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Posts posted by sheri714

  1. Isn't she beautiful!! She and Bud are having tinkle wars!


    Please help me keep this bumped!! I don't want her to get put down at the shelter!!

    She wont be going to the shelter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I am on my way jackash, let me feed my pack and put them up for a nap.

    Thank you so much for picking her up at the lab, it would have been difficult working with

    her tagging along but my patients would have loved her.

    She can stay in my back yard until... but if your willing to let her shack up with Bud then

    that sounds good to me and if she's already pregnant then nothing to worry about little Bud lights. :drinks: lol

    I am on my way over. I'm bringing some Frontline, I just left the vet, I'll take a Bud when I get there.

  2. I was at the end of Bob Hutton rd. close to Ridge in The Willows Sub. we heard two loud booms,

    I heard the dogs too. I thought it may have been a wreck. Ash and I took Bud for a late car ride around 12:30, we drove out to Nebo and turned left we didn't see anything unusual.

    About 1:30 on my way home I saw about eight cop car along Pine Shadows and Nebo a few utility trucks were there too, a utility worker told me that a truck hit a pole. It was probably the transformer blow that we heard since we were further away.



  3. The water has been off all day due to a burst main on Smith Ferguson Rd.

    We talked with someone at the water company around noon they said they are

    working on it. Anyone else in the area have information as to how much longer?


  4. Well today I saw a picture of a German Short haired Pointer who was black and white and had the same markings as her and also the sleek body. I swear she is a Pointer mix now because she was going crazy for the rabbits at the shelter and wanted to eat our cat. She also pointed out in the yard.


    Hope Bud is doing well. He is such a handsome boy. I think his body is not as sleek as her's though.


    She does look sleeker, definitely but from the side, the tan and white markings, of course Bud has more but, you know what I mean!!

    He is doing good! I am at Sheri's and Bud is playing with her dobies and having a BLAST! He is amazing!!

    I hope you find this sweet girl a good home, even if she doesn't like kitty cats!

  5. I have decided one thing about Bud..... He gets really bored when it storms and he doesn't get as much outside time! His pen is beyond a mess, the plastic that covers my concrete and makes it easy to clean is in shreds, he has been pulling at the bottom of the pen, the pine straw is raked into huge piles, not neatly spread out like it is supposed to be! Little turd!

    Oh come on now Ash, I hardly think our precious boy could make such a mess. He was protecting your sweet ash from a crazed varmint that was out to get your ash while you were sleeping.

    post-2069-1211443736_thumb.jpgAsh&Bud :wub: post-2069-1211443941_thumb.jpgHe's getting along so well with my boy's and Jada girl too, not one growl from any of them they've had four play dates this week already. Yesterday was the first good run Bud's had in a month. He is always so excited to see us and loves the car rides too.

    ***Ash is katcol back she needs to visit Bud.***


  6. I just wanted to thank you for allowing me to have Mr. Moo Moo in my home! He is adjusting well and him and Ms. Moo Moo are getting along great! He even tries to play with the kitties even though they don't want to play! Here are some pics for you to see. I will be taking him next week to see Dr. Bowen so he can get all of his shots. He has a new collar and name tag and got to go for a walk Sunday afternoon around the neighborhood. He fits in real well and me and Ms. Moo Moo are happy to have him in the family!




    Here is the other pic. Couldn't get them both in one post.





    How do I get the picture to show up on the post?



    lets see if this will work. I don't think it will. They are cute.

  7. He is going to the vet Thur. evening he'll be tested for heart worms and have his annual shots for the first time, also Bordetella in case required by Royal Pet Resort. We will get him neutered, it would be nice to get all his health needs taken care of at once but a little at a time for now will have to do, he's so good natured he'll do fine for a little while longer. He is such a good dog all things considered, for him not to be aggressive or coward its hard to believe this dog has lived in the woods his whole life. He is proud and has a confidence about him that you just wouldn't expect from a dog that hasn't been socialized.

    *** Everyone keep those fingers crossed that he will be neg. heart worm.***


    Bud escaped from my back yard yesterday by slipping through the pickets on the back deck. Ash and I were inside for just a second to get some water, we were just talking earlier about what he may do if he were to ever get away from us.


    I went outside first and noticed he wasn't in site I heard some leaves rustling at the side of house, I freaked (a little) but didn't want anyone else(Ash) to panic I blew by her in the kitchen, to the front door, John was following me "saying where are you going" all I could do was direct him to go back in the house! I knew if Bud heard my car door it would get his attention or if needed I could follow him if he took off. I heard him coming around toward the front of the house I ran to my car, opened and closed the door then walked to the front yard, he had his back towards me as he was looking down the road (like which way should I go). I knew this was it, that when I call his name and he saw me he was more than likely going to hit the road running! I knelt down (his back still to me) and called out "here Bud" and sure enough he turned to look at me waged his tail, as to say "dang, where did y'all go?" and came right to me.

    WHEW!!! Thank goodness because as I was walking him back to the side gate I thought about what if he would have run, how would I explained that one...

  8. WOOO HOOO!!! I'm glad he has you two!


    Thank you and thank you again for your generous donation's we are glad he has you too. :wub:


    We are "glad" or blessed that we have him! He is an incredible sweet soul and is

    a life lesson he's full of trust, respect, love and patience. He is teaching us to slow down and relax and truly appreciate the most over looked and simple things in life.

    Catching him and taking him to the shelter would have been a wonderful thing to do to prevent what could have been another tragic story of yet one more abused and abounded dog in Paulding Co. Thankfully we have the shelter and loving volunteers for the unwanted pets to get them off the streets and out of the woods to feed, water and try to find a loving home or at the least offer a safe shelter for a while...


    Bud is the one that has so much to offer and has given so much of himself.

    This dog is the trainer we learn from him every day. He is intuitive, intelligent and selfless.

    He has the story to tell. :wub:




    Thanks to everyone that still checks in on Bud. There are so many GREAT and caring people on p.com. :wub: :wub: :wub:




  9. Dang that doesn't sound good, I had been wondering for awhile now. I was out of town,


    thought y'all may have celebrated a special day(?) without me.

    I kinda got scared there for a minute over the body snatching invasion. :o



    That's it! Thats the reason for the most user ever to be on p.com,

    everybody wanted to celebrate our special day. :drinks:

    :nea: So Pubby I'm sorry your answer must be wrong. :p

  10. Dang that doesn't sound good, I had been wondering for awhile now. I was out of town,

    and thought y'all may have celebrated a special day(?) without me. I kinda got scared there for a minute over the body snatching invasion. :o

  11. any sign of Gracie? I think we live close I'll look for her, dont let any one chase her if you see her she should come down to roost at night. let me know if your still looking.


    she should come back home tonight, put the cage outside

  12. I'm so happy to hear that Sugar Ray is doing much better!!! He's been on my mind. I had been describing what you posted as his symptoms with some people. I'm curious as to what it was the only suggestions I got were poss. poisoning or trauma to spine.

    WARNING: //:// I feel a slight hijack attack. I had a Manx that had spinal damage one vet told me it was severed and another said it wasn't, so I held on to that bit of encouragement with GREAT hope and faith. I tried a chiropractor, water therapy and many other techniques. My Manx "Thor" lived almost three years after his accident he never regained the use of his hind legs he wore a diaper and I had to express his bladder but this cat was one happy cat I took him every where and he wasn't afraid of anything, he loved his life and I loved Thor.


    Can you post the diagnosis or treatment for Sugar.


    It's clear that you can't post the name of "you know who" and I respect that.

    Can it be p.m..

  13. Good job Momstradamus you saved him from getting hit by a car you did a lot

    more than many would have.

    Thats crazy they took your carabiner, what is it? Oh, I Just looked at pic again it must be

    a climbing clip. They should have come to your door to let you know they were getting

    him, even though they obviously have no manners.


    Sounds like you need a dog pen to keep handy for these situations. :D

  14. We totally agree Paulding Networking is an awesome group. I had the pleasure of meeting Mark,

    he is very professional and knows how to take care of business. Our ancient computer has never run as well as it is now, not to mention you can't beat the charges!! I am looking forward to getting a new laptop from them ASAP. They are a good group and I wouldnt never consider going elsewhere for any of my computer needs.



    :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:

  15. How is our bud Roofus? I have been thinking about him all day! :)


    He is doing very well thank you, considering everything this precious guy has gone through. Now more than ever we can see what a tough life he's had. It's been little over a week since he's been at Ash's house the pen and dog house is perfect in the garage, you are so generous Momstradamus. We have not been able to call him anything other than Bud/ Bud Head cause he's so stubborn. I still go over every day to work with him on regaining the trust that took so long to build and was so quickly shattered. After doing some research on feral dog over the weekend, I feel better, the advice I received is what we have been doing. Although its like we are having to start over he is so worth it. :wub:

    I know how anxious Ash is (she waited a long time for this) she wants so badly to have him out on a walk around the hood and lying out in the sun, I expect any day now to pull up in the driveway and see Bud sporting a camouflage wife beater tank top.:rofl:

    Seriously he will be an awesome dog one day not too far off.


    Ash has been great to work with in his rescue and rehab, we make a good team :drinks: when it comes to whats best for this dog. It just takes a lot of time and a heck of a lot of patience, patience, patience and then add some more patience!!!

  16. It is for women and moms, I understand why now, after pubby pulled my invite, so pm me and I can tell you what kind!! I can't say anything more!! Oh, it isn't naughty!!


    Maybe it should be!! I hope you have a great turn out Ash, sounds like fun or did I miss it.

    I seemed to have missed the date of said party on post.













    hoping not nxt. sat.

    J/K Sheri

    p.s. I will be glad to sit in with Bud if you need someone to take your shift

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