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Posts posted by sheri714

  1. Incredible !!! Sooo glad Isis is safe, I thought about him daily and wondered why there weren't more leads ,info., updates etc. than were posted . I work on 92 about 2 mi from his escape ,we were always keeping a look out. What a great job all !!!!!!! I'm sure All concerned , felt the tug at the heart strings when notice of his escape was announced. What a survivor you are, Isis ......

  2. Hey is it just me or is anyone else having to hit refresh button each and every time they open something on pcom?

    I keep getting an error mesage too


    I'm having the same problem thought it may be the putter, I also had it happen at work.

  3. I have tried Lunests,Ambien and Melatonin, I had no side effects from any ,Melatonin didn't work, the others I was able to go to sleep but only slept three or four hours, I think the controlled release would be worth a try. I just believe I will always be a night owl, always have been.

  4. Oliver is my new great nephew ! He has a loving home now . Charity called on her way to the shelter she was telling me about him hoping he was still there,she was so excited to find that he was she called on her way home with him... she says he is such a lover and very smart. She's so happy with him and says he is settling in well, I will get to meet Oliver this week he is a welcome addition to the family and will get much love. Ya'll keep up the good work.


    No, that's Wilameina! "my Chinese Crested ferret"... j/k she is 7 year old.

    she has adrenal disease which is a common problem in ferrets 3 yrs and older, the hair loss

    is commonly associated w/ this disease. I have had 6 ferrets since they became legal to own as

    pets in Ga. (mid. 1990's) each had this disease and not all experenced hair loss. Meina has had a healthy, happy,very active and playful long life, most do. I know she look a little disturbing to most people. She is so precious and smart .


    I guess she has a look only a mother could love !


    Beloved Meina

    2~1~2000 / 2~23~2007


  6. That's disturbing.



    No, that's Wilameina! "my Chinese Crested ferret"... j/k she will be 7 years in march,

    she has adrenal disease which is a common problem in ferrets 3 yrs and older, the hair loss

    is commonly associated w/ this disease. I have had 6 ferrets since they became legal to own as

    pets in Ga. (mid. 1990's) each had this disease and not all experenced hair loss. Meina has had a healthy, happy,very active and playful long life, most do. I know she look a little disturbing to most people. She is so precious and smart . I guess she has a look only a mother could love !

    This is Tica 3yrs, a little less disturbing?

  7. THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR REPLIES. I was very concerned, I have always heard not

    to give raw hide chews to dogs because its not easily digested, the ones that are chopped and pressed

    into chew sticks are not as bad because they crumble. I felt so guilty letting him have this, I took the knots

    away as soon as they seperated.Kane had never had anything but N.Max diet, biscuits and hard chew toys

    such as Kong's, he just didn't know what to do w/ it for half hour then he figured he better eat it before big brother got hold of it. I have had a few stomach prob. w/ my Doberman's over the years.

    Today he ate first feeding dry, in two days. I wasn't searching for raw hide remains in the yard, I hated seeing him uncomfortable and straining to relieve himself ,O.K. yes I was keeping a look out , you would be surprised what has been ingested esp. by big brother.

    Over all he seems much better tonight ,they usually refuse to step a paw off the porch in the rain

    but he did several times and came back a better boy cause of it!

    Thank ya'll for the support,


    Sheri , Kane and rest of the critters

  8. Any suggestions my two yr. dobbie received a rawhide bone from Santa, I said he could have it because it would knot up in his intestines .Under close supervision Kane received part of it excluding the knots at each end, he seemed to pull off small pieces before swallowing. He hasn't pass it for four days. He is eating playing and drinking , I'm adding oil and warm water to food ,two doses of a tbl.s vaseline orally ,one in rectum along with warm soapy eniama in intervals he continues to strain several times a day and through the night a couple times. Kane seems happy and all activity normal , the amount of food intake is the same my guess is the oil and water which causes diarrhea passes the food around obstruction .I know if they quit eating its time for vet. his brother had a rock surg. removed last year but their behavior was different. Any suggestions I'm not in any way risking his well being I have been to emergency clinic at all hours of the night and weekends w/ others. If not regulated soon we will make the trip to vet , the brothers rock surg. was over $500. Any suggestions or advise I don't wont to do him any harm either. Sincerely

  9. I can't think of a name for the little girl...give me some suggestions...I don't want a "common" name. I would like something unusual. Any suggestions....please???? :blush:


    Here she is:




    3. Montage

    2. Idgie

    1. Picasa (fem. 4 Picaso)


    I've always heard all calicos are female,all I met was. If so... " Things that make you go uhm"



    SORRY, I cant seem to make a simple post w/o having the entire topic preceding.I thought reply was the propper route.

  10. Your father was one of the most considerate and kind hearted friend I have ever known. He always had a smile and a positive attitude even on his trying days. I went with him to Cobb Hospital along with your brother for treatment . You would never had known he was the patient that day, he showed more compation and gave strength to others there faced with the same affliction. I feel for your heartache as he was such a special man. I think of him often and miss him dearly.


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