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Posts posted by sheri714

  1. He reminds me of a Boxer I saw last summer at Dr. Lugar's office. It was sooo skinny, the thinnest dog I had ever seen, It was so sweet, didn't act sick, was wagging it's nub and wanting lots of attention. After they left I had to ask the receptionist about it, I thought it was a stray and maybe someone from the shelter brought it by for a check up, she said that the dog had a disease of some sort I had never heard of before. I only mention this because I sincerely hope that its not the case with this guy. I guess animal control has the pets that are up for adoption checked out by a vet. He's a beautiful Boxer, I hope he's healthy and finds a wonderful family.

  2. I sent a message to my niece about your Boxer and a few other animals that are in need of a home.

    She has some land in Dawsonville, and has big heart for Boxers. She asked for more info., not sure

    on which of the animals hopefully all of them. She loves horses too. I am really pushing the Boxer

    for you, I know you don't have a pic but do you have a family member or someone that could send one for you to post? Sometimes just looking into those big brown eyes is all it takes to win someone over.

  3. I had some of the same issues but realized a lot of it was my fault. He should never be out of your sight. My trainer told me that my puppy should be tied to the coffee table if im in the living room,table if in the kitchen etc . Never let them have free roam of the house. Once I started doing this I could tell when he needed to go to potty.Take him out and if he doesnt go #2 put him back in the crate. Take him back out and if he still doesn't go then continue the process of putting him in the crate. I know it's frustrating but don't give up!


    This works! Good luck and much patience.


  4. Bones,

    That's a strange call. I strongly believe he was stolen also, and every time I see a post about a missing Pitt I wounder about that possibility. Wounder how she got your number too or if its just some kinda prank. I know reg. paper's are easy to get for some sleazy underground dog breeders, but I'm curious if she was trying somehow to get his papers, I can't imagine her not knowing he's missing esp. if she's from around here. Have you ever run an ad in the past to breed Rex? If not maybe she knows something. May be you could check it out by baiting her some way.

    I'm still looking for Rex too.

  5. I talked to Ash she saw and feed Bud today. We spoke to the guy with Wildlife Rescue and if it doesn't rain tonight he's meeting Ash and myself in the morning to set the trap's that Ash told yall about. So everyone keep your fingers crossed that all goes well. I'm sure Ash will be on soon to update I just wanted yall to know that Bud was o.k.



    I don't have a muzzle, I have a Halti collar it fits over the head and muzzle it may be better than nothing if you didn't get one. I look at Petsmart and they don't carry muzzle's.




  6. Bud must have been in the woods sleeping off a deer feast! :lol:


    I told Ash he's too smart.


    Sure your right again, :wub: Buds fat and happy tonight and sleeping tight.

    So our interpretation here, is that people shouldn't prejudge a communities born and reared, and assume someone beat Bud to a fresh road kill, by taking off with the rump roast. :D


  7. I live off poole bridge and saw him about 6:20 tonight standing at the end of a driveway on the left about 4 houses after the stop sign


    SO GLAD TO HEAR THAT! Just knowing that would help me sleep better too, if I had to. But it's my FRIDAY so guess I'll celabrate now, THANK YOU!

  8. There is a dog off Pool Bridge that several people (Ash) are trying to rescue.

    It appears that an animal was hit on Ridge Rd near Pool Bridge Rd.

    Between the hours of 5:00 and 8:30 this evening, there were no signs of an animal on or off the road.

    It happened after 5:00 p.m., when someone went to check on and

    feed the dog twice today he wasn't around his usual area.

    Just wondering if anyone saw anything, we are worried about the him.


    **Posted here in addition to Ash's post in four legged friendzie.**

  9. My oldest boy Niko (4yrs) would choose anything that he thought you'd object to, gloves, undies, socks, rocks, small trees, caps, towels and the whole twelve pack (not just the carton) it was so much fun for him to watch us on the other side of the table, sofa or what ever he can use as a buffer, he's so slick as he'd maneuver past us and even leap over the sofa from a stand still position. He's much better now (since his surgery :wacko: to remove a rock) than before, he will now drop on command, when before he'd swallow it whole, before giving it up just looking you in the eyes as if to say "wa'cha'gonna'do'bout'it'huh". He got sick of my arm down his throat to retrieve items,"that's what im gonna do,' big boy".

    Baby brother Kane's (3yrs) vice is of paper products, he must have been an accountant in a previous life he stashes receipt's, notepads, etc. in his crate. But unlike the pic above, when Kane got hold of a hundred dollar bill last weekend there wasn't enough left of the bill to identify. :o

  10. First of all, I would NEVER chain my dogs, and am fully aware of the new Paulding County laws, and I contacted Animal control about the living arrangements of my dogs, and it was stated to me by the officers there, it was not a problem unless there was a complaint. I do NOT live in a subdivision so there is no need for a child or a mentally challenged person to be in my yard, so I am fine, but thank you for your input! Also, read my above posts to see how the arrangements are for my dogs now, because they are in a fenced in area now.


    Easy now! I do believe animallvr was replying to Double J., as if D.J. needs briefing on currently implemented laws, any more than you, G.L.W.. Lets all welcome our newbies.


    Welcome animallvr :D !



  11. Ash,

    I only want to help, I would never o.k. a commitment to something in regards to this without

    your your agreement. I respect that this is your project of rescue and you

    have done so much for him. The dog obviously trust for you. I think he waits for you or he would have moved on or much worse. You are probley the most consistent and kind human he's ever encountered, that trusting bond should not be broken. I will find out more information Thursday or Friday, then a decision can be made whether they can be of help or have something that would be helpful in his rescue.

    I don't have a lot of extra cash either but I will do what I can to help with the cost.


    *** Maybe this will be the weekend.***

  12. Thank you all for your concerns and suggestions. His owners were found again! It's not an ideal home though. He's caused some trouble this week, the owners are having a problem keeping up with him. We hear way to often they didn't realize that Siberians are runners and need lots of exercise and interaction or a job for them to be content other wise they may be driven to seek it on their own. He is a Siberian Husky and gets out often the owner may be willing to give him up. I just wish they would have researched before choosing this breed. I see so many Siberians at the shelter and it breaks my heart, they are such a loving breed when their instinctual needs are understood and fulfilled by their owner.

  13. There was a thread earlier today mentioning a husky. When I saw your post the picture reminded me of this dog. Don't know if it's the same one or not though. I'm not sure how exactly to post the link, but if you put in husky in the search box, it will come up. I think it's about someone at the shelter about a husky.


    Thank You.


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