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Everything posted by copschick

  1. yeah...then right back to winter!
  2. WTH is wrong with you people??? It is COLD outside and it sucks! I want Spring time weather back
  3. jaydensmommy oh crap...another y
  4. Blondie...I feel yer pain. 3 dogs and 2 cats...ugh the hair!
  5. come on over...you are hired as the Tow/chick family cook... I have 2 boys that clean
  6. I didn't know there was one in Dallas... Now I want a blizzard...sigh
  7. Hmmm...my first job was at 6 flags
  8. so I ended up with chicken soup from La Parilla...yum
  9. I pictured her with dark short hair and an eyebrow ring Don't ask...I have no idea LOL
  10. you look NOTHING like what I pictured!
  11. burger and fries...no Chocolate shake :wub:
  12. um...that is not real helpful, LR
  13. I'm trying to decide what to munch on...what are ya having?
  14. You realize that we still look the same as we did in school, right? LOL
  15. LPPT...do we have enough time to go through everything that is wrong with your head???
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