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Everything posted by copschick

  1. I'll tell you how relevant it is...lil Tow#1 was done when he was born...I always said it didn't look quite right. So anyway, skip forward 12 years, he comes down stairs FLIPPING out because he was red and swollen and developing an infection. Apparently, boys don't have the greatest hygeine habits, even after parents preach the importance. Long story short, at 12 years old, he had to have it REdone because there was too much foreskin left from when he was an infant. So yes, even today, hygiene is a major factor.
  2. I read this earlier...WTH? This is perhaps the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard of. If you don't want your son circumsized, then don't do it.
  3. And Jess....don't stress about thirty....people as fabulous as we are only get better with age
  4. oh...well, my head is to the side...ya know...for breathing purposes lol
  5. does the Airborn work as good as Emergen-C?
  6. zyrtec in the day, theraflu at night, and chicken soup (seriously, chicken soup makes you feel better)
  7. well hells bells, I do this EVERY night.... I plank all night long in the bed!
  8. ok..I am at work and can't hear the video...it looks like these folks are just laying around?
  9. you should come with your 30 something friend today to get her nose pierced
  10. awwww...I will go with you! There are some things you shouldn't have to do alone...
  11. I wish I had someone to go with me...for moral support! LOL
  12. but also very nervous!!!! I'm going to Electric Body Art right after work to get my new "cranial accessory"! Tow is still not real thrilled with the idea...but I think it's gonna be CUTE!
  13. lol yeah, LR...sometimes he can be smart like that
  14. I am jealous...I need a vacation
  15. lol and I hate Mondays...which I'm sure are your favorite
  16. aaaahhhhh...its sunny and not freezing!!! And its only one more day til Friday! woohooo!!! good morning pcom
  17. they sure look like it to me...sick, sick, sick
  18. yep...maybe they are trying to get us all outta town??? LOL
  19. I think you may be right...but it couldn't hurt either lol
  20. She needs some botox in her life...hurry...call that pageant mom!!!!
  21. Y'all just wouldnt hear from me for a while...i'd be busy spending $1 million! LOL
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