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Everything posted by copschick

  1. I would NEVER not answer Bwitchy...
  2. I'm sure you will have fun And we still need a brunch date
  3. What in all that is good and holy would make someone think that THAT is attractive????
  4. I didn't get a txt from you
  5. Yep...I don't like dispatchers much. Well, some of them.
  6. It's from dealing with stupid people...it makes you that way!
  7. You can be a badge bunny all you want...just hop away from the badge that belongs to me
  8. DO IT! Going back to school was one of the best decisions that I ever made! It sucks when I'm having to study or do a bunch of homework, but I know eventually, it will pay off! Oh, and on a side note, y'all better be nice, I may be your nurse one day
  9. nah...I prefer the handcuffs and guns over eau de Diesel
  10. He just ignored it. Which is fine...at least he didn't engage her in conversation.
  11. aww..fun...wait, you mean real fishing with the lil one, right? yeah
  12. we try to get all our fun in while Tow has weekends off...then its back to doing NOTHING
  13. so now she better leave Tow alone...that's what!
  14. There better not have been! LOL No, Animal, not that I know of...and no, it's not okay. Not by a long shot. Especially not when I've already asked it to stop once before. I don't ask my kids to do things twice, I certainly don't expect to have to ask an adult twice. Oh, and when I do have to repeat a request, it usually isn't so nice the 2nd time
  15. I like the way you think! LOL
  16. Its FRIIIIIDAAAAAYYYY!!!!! Tow and I are going to a dinner for one of his friends tonight. Tomorrow is a wedding, a low country boil, and then onto a party!!!! Guess I'll recover on Sunday! So...what are y'alls plans?
  17. First off...I keep my husband VERY "happy". There is NO issue there. The problem is when you have politely asked someone to stop doing something and they continue...perhaps I wasnt clear enough the first time. Oh and Im not a real big fan of badge bunnies...If she wants a man in uniform, thats fine...but mine needs to be left the hell alone. PERIOD.
  18. women who send my husband messages on yahoo messenger at 4:45 in the morning. Yeah...it pisses me off just a tad...
  19. We agree on something... wow lol
  20. Not sure, but he SURRRRE appreciates the outcome of my feeling sexy! LOL
  21. please please please post pics of THAT!!! LOL
  22. lol DC...I imagine you skinny...so yeah, if I were skinny I probably would feel that way about clothing too. yep...lust affair...that's it...
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