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Posts posted by rcrjmartin

  1. well I am still waiting to hear from the advice nurse at the Ped's office..I know that they are just going to say it is viral- but how can you be fine for two days and then have it agian? Right now he is acting fine, watching TV.... :blink: :blink:

  2. Bruce's X-wife has had 6 kids sick last week...the quads plus Marjorie and Evan. Evan was out of school 2 days...fever, throwing up, etc.


    Shelby has been sick since Friday and running up to a 106 degree fever. She took her Friday to the doctor and they felt it was a virus or the flu. No throwing up or coming out the other end. She hasn't eaten much in 3 days, but is drinking lots of fluids and staying hydrated. She was able to bring it down through medication, tipid baths and cool wash cloths on her head constantly rotating them out. She was able to get her back in at the Doctor at 3:30 today. With that high of a fever, I think, something else is going on and the Dr. said it could turn into pneumonia. So I was happy to hear they wanted to see her again. Hopefully they will give her a shot of antibiotics and she will be better soon.


    I feel for all of you who have what's going around and for your kids who have it. It is not fun and seems to last 3-5 days...or longer. I hope everyone gets well soon! The weather is beautiful and it is hard to stay cooped up inside when it is so pretty out.







    :o :o Well, so far, it is just him (knocking on wood)

  3. Okay my 8 year old came home sick from school today- vomiting....I had to go and get him Friday for the same thing, Friday he got sick about 5 times..Saturday and Sunday he was fine :huh: :huh: I was subbing at the school today, and the nurse called me- he was laying down and feeling nauseous..He looked real pale, and said he just wanted to be home in bed- he went to go get his stuff and threw up in the class :( :(


    No fever or anything else...Anyone else having this?

  4. We are having chicken tonight- but I do not think it will work for you for dinner tonight :( :(


    I marinade the chicken in the Kroger brand Zesty Herb marinade (packet)- then I grill them on the George Foreman..


    Meanwhile, I make some white rice, and steam some broccoli (sp?)- then when the chicken is done, I cut it into chunks and make rice bowls! The boys like a little soy sauce on top- it is really good!

  5. Oh Cathy, have you used duck tape before???? :lol:


    I am checking in with unlimited party, is that where the school got all those jumpys at the fall festival?




    I will never tell :ph34r: :lol: :lol: We used Unlimited for last school years festival- not this years..Robert and I have used them here at the house.


  6. Okay we just got back- there are open until 9 tonight...IT WAS WONDERFUL!!!!


    Both boys had chicken strips and fries- generous portions and all fresh- not frozen! I had the blackend steak salad with crumbled blue cheese, and hubby had the chicken fried steack with gravy, fried okra and fried green tomatoes....all of this for our family with drinks and even after the tip we were still under $30.00... :o :o :D What struck us was that everything was fresh- it did not have the instutionalized taste...You must go, if you have not been!

  7. The parents have asked for my full support since I have been there done that. I know they are going to get professional help but we just want to stear them in the correct direction.


    I personally have dealt with the Marcus insitute but that is more for Autism and that type stuff so I don't think they should start there.



    Does you having their full support include you posting about their child on a public board?? Let's see we know the occupations of both parents,as well as things about the other two siblings...IMHO this topic should be closed, and you should find your answers in another way <_< <_<

  8. Unless it has been closed within the past couple of months- it is still open...Food is great and I just do not feel like cooking tonight...




    Not sure, but I need directions from Hiram ;)



    If you are coming from 278- turn Left onto Buchanan Hwy..You will stay on the road and not turn off until you get to Phils..It takes about 10- 12 miles to get to the 4 way stop and Roses store..From there its another 5 miles??

  9. Your day will be what you make of it..there are lots of good things to remember from all of us..I hope that your day is beautiful, and remember that it is only the start of your life together! The best part of my day, was that night in our Honeymoon Suite- and I am sitting on the bed, and my new husband is taking all of the flowers out of my hair :blush: :blush: :blush: That was 13 years ago


    Need to go call him right now, we just had a fight and I hung up on him, now I feel bad :pardon: :pardon:

  10. I forgot to enjoy the day. All that money spent and I was so stressed out. I really was a b**ch to everyone. The day so by so fast. Stop worrying about what you are forgetting and have fun!!!!!!!!


    I am right there with ya, I actually told my mom to "shut up" :pardon: :pardon: My husband thought that she was gonna kill me right then and there1


  11. The only jewelry that I wanted to wear were my mom's diamond earings....5:00 comes around, and no earings- she left them at my sisters house :o :o

    I thought that I had to have them, so my husband (to be at the time) and I drove 45 minutes one way to get them- the wedding was late, but I had those earings :lol: :lol: :lol: Looking back- I would rather have spent that time getting ready for my wedding then driving across San Diego!

  12. Well, my oldest sister is in this situation :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Both my nephew and his wife are getting their PHD'S...They have put themselves through school, went on and got their masters, and lived on their own, but once they got on this track, they could not work full time, pay to live and go to school. They have lived with them, and my sister has said that it is the best thing she could have done for them! She is so proud of them, and they are both very grateful to her..Ofcourse there have been times where things got tense..but she said that she has NO regrets!


    Good luck in whatever you decide to do!

  13. Ok I am totally confused, my 4 year old and 6 year old weigh the same thing and are about the same height. I thought at 6 years old they come out of the booster seat. They both weigh 52 lbs., the 4 year old is 43 inches tall and the 6 year old is 48 inches tall.


    From the way that I understand the law- your children must be at least 4'9 or 57 inches to be out of a booster seat..I have two boys ages 9 and 8 who both weigh around 60lbs but are not yet at 57 inches- so they are still in their boosters..


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