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Posts posted by rcrjmartin

  1. I think I know what you are talking about- the restaraunt is The Slate Market Grill- great food, and lovely atmosphere! The bakery I have not been too, my friend has, and she loves it.

  2. :blush: :blush: Thanks everyone! I am more than a tad nervous, haven't been in school in sooo long, been a SAHM for 9 years..I start on Monday, and just this morning, I was thinking to myself- can I really do this, do I have it together enough to start over in school? I go and check my email, and I get this note from my dad...




    Now my dad does not email much, he is a man of very few words, but this was just what I needed! Hope the link works-





  3. RC...


    I went to college at 25 with 4 kids, so I was considered "Non-Traditional". At that time, the college was offereing a "Mastering College 101" or something like that for us, older folks.


    It was the BEST class I ever took. It helped so much. It taught all types of skills that I still use such as memory matching skills, word associations, note taking, etc.... Plus, it helped to put the college life into perspective.


    If they offer something like that, I would take it.


    Thanks for the advice- I will definitely look to see if they have something like this.


  4. Congratulations on a wise decision to go back to school.


    I went back after I had a husband and a son and they did not supposrt my decision. I took a full load of classes each quarter. It was hard work with both the full load and the family and the house to take care of, but I did it and you can too, especially since you are taking two classes and your family is supporting your decision.


    Best wishes!



    plan is to start with 2 for the Spring and Summer (to get my feet wet) and then go for it come fall...I know that some big changes are coming to our household, and I don't know what I would do without their support..You are the one to be congratulated, a full load of classes? What are you, superwoman? :lol:

  5. I am glad it has been a good experience for you. DD "attempted" to transfer from Mercer to Chatt Tech and it has been nothing short of a nightmare!!!! Everything got totally screwed up and she missed out on the winter semester and someone dropped her from the spring semester last week. But, they don't know how to correct the mistake they made.


    Now, Chatt Tech tells her their nursing program will not be open until 2012 and they want her to take one course a semester until then. She originally was told the nursing school would be open in Fall 2009 and she only needs a few core subjects prior to starting nursing school. She cannot afford to wait three more years. Like I said, a nightmare on several different levels.


    In the meantime, she is having to make monthly payments on her student loans from Mercer b/c she is not enrolled in school.



    I am doing nursing as well. what about West Georgia- I spoke with the advisor there in the nursing dept..She was so wonderful and helpful, she is the one who advised me to take all of my core classes at Chatt, then transfer to West Georgia..The advisor at Chatt said that the nursing program in Dallas she hopes to be running in 2012, but they also have the one in Marietta...Hope she gets everything straight, and can get back in school, If I had only know thenhow easy I had it, and continued instead of thinking that I had all the time in the world :lol:

  6. Another option is to email the professor and ask if editions matter. I assure you I've sat in several classes on the first night and the professor has given us his textbook preferences, a copy of the syllabus, and sent us on our way to arrange getting the textbook. With so many options available for textbooks these days, professors realize the students are not just using the college bookstore like it used to be.


    Bwitchy may be able to tell you more also about Chattahoochee Tech. We both know people that are instructors there. I could use my connections to find out more if you like.


    Thank you so much for all of your info- I am off to email the professors now :D :D Everything everyone has said makes so much sense now, guess I am just nervous and I do not want to do anything wrong :rolleyes: :rolleyes:



    I also started back to school at Chattahoochee Tech back in January after 28 years of being out of school. It has been a great experience. A good website for books is textbooks.com. If you will pm me after you find out what you need, I can check and see if I have the books that you need. I will sell you what I have if they will work for you.


    Thanks so much- when I know, I will send ya a pm..


  7. So, it would be okay to go to my first day of class and not have my books :huh: :huh: It makes sense to wait and see what all that they require, but I figured that I would need them beforehand..I went to the school bookstore (chattahoochie) but they were closed.


    Thanks for all of your help! I am so excited, but nervous too, it has been a loooong time since I have been a student..


    akre0023-thanks for your kind words- It has been really hard and I have surprised myself at actually doing this on my own- and having the support of my husband and boys mean the world to me :wub: :wub: My family comes first, so I will be taking classes while they are at school, this will mean it will take longer to get my degree- but it will be worth it in the end I hope.

  8. So after 16 YEARS, I am going back to school! :rolleyes: I have heard that there are websites where you can get used books- does anyone happen to know some good ones? I had no idea how much books can cost nowadays (or when daddy does not pay :lol: ) I am starting on the 30th, and I need English 101, and Intro to Psych...



  9. Let me look for a pic I saw yesterday. May take a bit as I am working on the hair color thread ;)



    I have an 11 am!



    :yahoo: :yahoo: Thursday or Friday? Anyway I am there! Pencil me in please under Cathy Martin..(where are you exactly :blush: )


    Meant to say- not sure where Hopeland Blvd. is...

  10. I do this often, but I bake italian chicken, shred it, and add it in! Yuuuum!


    OOOOHHHH! That sounds good! Well, my dinner was a success, the hubby and kids raved and raved :D :D



    You HAVE leftovers?



    :lol: :lol: I have a husband and two boys- what do you think? :p


    This sounds really gross but it is really so good


    Mix sauce and noodles top with can of mushroom soup the parmesan and cheddar cheese and bake for 30 mins at 425



    You mix your spaghetti sauce?

  11. Amen!!



    :D More cheese it is!



    You could do both but I usually prefer to just put it on top. I have also added some whole kernel corn and onions with it and baked for a something a bit different.


    already have onions in my sauce- never thought about corn- what a way to sneak in some more veggies ;) ;)


  12. So, we are having left overs tonight- spaghetti..I thought that I would make some more noodles, then mix with my sauce, and bake with cheese on top- kinda like baked spaghetti, I guess. :huh:


    Question- would you just put the cheese on top- or mix some in with it as well?

  13. If you bought the wine and you plan to cook with it and don't plan to drink it...get some ice cube trays and pour the remaining wine into it. You can then use it to saute veggies and meats. Gives it a nice taste!






    What a great idea! I ended up getting a bottle of Chardonnay- I will have to label the cube trays though- sometimes my kids like to chomp on ice :lol: :lol:

  14. I found a great reciepe for a chowder with creamy shrimp corn and bacon- hubby will love this :blush: :blush:


    Anyway- it calls for dry white wine- I don't know anything about wine- Since it would only be used for cooking purposes, I would like something economical- any suggestions??Brands?



  15. Hope you husband is okay....


    The past 14 months- have seen us go through two major lay offs, I know where you are coming from ^_^ ^_^


    Something that I repeated many times a day, If HE sees you to it, HE will see you through it. On some days it was the only comfort that I had, and on others, I just asked why us, why again?


    It was not an easy time for us, and even now, our financial recovery is going to be a long hard process- but we made it through, and you need to have the faith that you will to! Please vent when you need to- alot of us have all been there.

  16. OK so my hubby bought me a monthly memebership. I NEVER burn when we go out in the sun. But I have laid 2 times in the mega bed and I am so burnt i could cry it hurts so bad. just my back nothing else (well my butt :) ) What is up with this why am i so burnt??



    :o :o this scares me! I would love to hear an answer to your question- I have been thinking about a membership as well...

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