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Posts posted by rcrjmartin

  1. My 9 year old loves rocks! His venture teacher told him that she got alot of her rocks from other people who no longer had a need for their collection..Do any of your kids happen to have any rocks that are just laying around? :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


    My son thinks the rocks that he has are pitiful, so I am trying to help him out.



  2. I have a 12 cup stainless Starbucks Barista Aroma Grande- I love this thing- it brews pretty fast (but the Bunn is faster) and as soon as it is done- it shuts off. The caraffe is stainless, and really holds the heat!


    I love this machine- so much that I almost killed my husband for putting a dent into the front....He claims it was not him- but I don't believe him :nea: :angry:


    Good luck on your search!

  3. This happend to us last September. I know how scared you are, and the sickness that you are probably feeling in the pit of your stomach. You will get through this, I know you will. When he goes to Unemployment, make sure he also goes and gets info on the state medicaid, and any other assistance that you can get.


    He will find another job, I can not say when, but please know that it will happen. We were living day by day, but we got through it and so can you!

  4. I live off Billy Bullock and there was two cops in front of Haddonstone subdivison when I came home at like 9:45 there was an SUV parked in the wrong direction but no one was in the car. Does anyone know what they were doing? and are you saying this is over Bullock Farm where they have the weddings?


    Don't know about Haddonstone...This happend behing our subdivsion on the trails- to get there you could take Bullock Farm Rd(i think this is the name), not Billy Bullock Rd.


    I have not heard anything official yet- I am sure when I get out to take the kids to school I will see someone and find out something.


    Still hoping and praying for a positive outcome.

  5. Oh - that is some rough terrain. Before we built those 3 houses right beside Safe Harbor on Buchanan, we used to ride that land all the time.

    I hope all is well. Is it someone who actually lives in Safe Harbor, or is it the ranch house on Buchanan?



    They live here in Safe Harbor....




    I understand.

    God knows who they are tonight tho so HE will hear our prayers without us calling their names.

    My son is 13 and it hurts my heart when I hear of teenagers getting hurt when they are just trying to have some clean, innocent fun.

    My thoughts and prayers are with these people tonight.




    You are so right-thanks for saying that -_-

  6. Will do, please keep us posted. No names are needed, I would just like to know the conditions.



    This is what is so sad to me- I don't even remember their names- one of my neighbors who knows them well, is not at home. I am sitting here thinking of how many times I have passed and waved but never stopped to talk. I can stand on my back deck and see their house. I am going to make more of an effort to get to know the people in my neighborhood, and I hope and pray that I will get the chance to speak with both of them.


  7. I got a call from another neighbor- the news was NOT good- just praying that we will hear differently.


    ? :huh: ? Both sides are Bullock. One side is Billy Bullock and the other is Bullock Farm. So which is it? Is it behind Safe Harbor or one of the subdivisions on Billy Bullock?



    Behind Safe Harbor :mellow:

  8. This man lives in mu subdivision- apparently he was driving his atv and if flipped on him. We watched life flight- but then they took off without him I think :o As of about 20 minutes ago-he was still out there on the trails..I don't know these people at all really, but I hate this- they live right behind us and they have been through alot since they moved here. Please if you hear anything let me know- and please say a prayer...

  9. We are looking at getting a laptop- never had one before- but I am in school now and it would help. Can not spend alot of $$$, but do want something that is good and fast.


    So, if you have one, do you love it, where did you get it, and what was the cost?


    Thanks so much!

  10. :D :D I love the last pic, with all of them together! When we were still in Arizona, our accountant had 8- I do not know how he did it, but he was in love with them...One of the teachers at Union- has a puppy, and when I saw it... :wub: :wub: just about the cutest thing I have ever seen on 4 legs!
  11. Thanks guys! He has been on dialysis for over 14 months now- he goes Tues, Thurs and Saturdays..It lasts about 5 hours at a time, and his blood pressure often drops so low he will pass out. :( Sometimes it makes quite a mess when his shunt bleeds...But he is just one of THOUSANDS!


    I have learned so much this past year..The process just to get put on the National Transplant Waiting List can take a loooong time. To be a candidate for Organ Transplant depends on if you can tolerate not only the new organ, but the many anti- rejection drugs that must be taken after. He has been on the list for a few months now, and all we can do is wait..I pray everyday that he will get the call, and the more people who are educated about Organ Donation the better his chances are.

  12. If you had the power to save lives would you use it? Sometimes checking yes to Organ Donation on your license is not good enough! April is National Donate Life month...


    Do you know anyone on the National Registry? I do- my brother is. He goes 3x a week for hemodialysis and it takes 5 hours each time. This is no way to live- it is heartbreaking watching what this has done to him over the past year. He is one of the 1268 men, women and children in need of a Kidney Transplant in Arizona right now. There are only two people in our family who are a tissue match to him. our mom- who was deemed not a candidate due to her age, and me. I was also deemed not a candidate due to having two sons, and the same medical history as my brother- no one knows if this could be me in 10 years.


    So all I can do is get the word out- so here it is......IF YOU HAVE THE POWER TO GIVE LIFE- DO IT!

  13. I wish I knew of more to help, but do you have a Church? Maybe they can help you, or if your parents are members, maybe they will still help you. Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles? Can your childs father maybe keep him until you find a place? I know that is probably the last thing that you would ever want, but if he is young, and can't really understand what is happening, it might be better?


    Good luck and I hope and pray that you find somewhere safe to go.

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