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Everything posted by gpatt0n

  1. You forget I spent significant amounts of time in Oklahoma, western Arkansas and the southwest ... and also grew up in the Delta during the death throws of Jim Crow. I also was in college in the 1960s and remember groups from the Symbionese Liberation Army to the minutemen militia. There really is a level of intimidation out there, some more subtle than others, that preaches that money can buy anything and life is cheap and most folks are powerless. This is historically the way society has been as well and don't think that it was any less so in the time of the gangs of New York, the gun
  2. dogs: There are rights and there are responsibilities. Your comment above tells me you know nothing of either. pubby
  3. I wonder, now that the financial regulations have been eliminated by Trump's presidential pen, how much is now being gambled in the derivatives market that this GOP administration will want the taxpayer to bail out the oligarchs for? You know like in 2008. pubby
  4. Yep, this topic is not about Donald Trump and the article referenced only mentioned him in passing. That is because what is happening worldwide really has little to do with the inane and oft unfounded fears and taunts of the genius from Queens (who has yet to recognize this progress, much less contribute to it.) The article is here: Link and following is an excerpt That compares to the time in my youth when we had things pretty good here but the rest of the world half the people were illiterate and nearly 40 percent were in abject poverty. It should be observed that the differenc
  5. How did the cop know the guy was holding a gun if there was no light in the kitchen? Did the cop have night vision? pubby
  6. Nope, it tends to make them more subject to their fears as they misunderstand circumstances. If you're relationship to reality is tenuous and its grasp not 100 percent, you may well act precipitously. When I was a kid one WWII veteran in town known to suffer from 'shell shock' was acting out one night and killed a Deputy Sheriff who was walking outside his window. So, here is a guy in a lighted kitchen showing off a gun. He had to have a light on in the kitchen for the deputy to see the gun I would imagine. If you've ever been in a house with the light on, you know you can't
  7. You say some of those things that have happened are good. I'll admit none of them - say the TPP - were ideal but the idea that the alternative is better is what I object to. I know you know that every decision that trump makes is based solely on his gut based on at most, some dumbass opinion expressed on Fox and Friends. There is no analysis, there is no understanding, there is no understanding. He is incapable. And the thing that gets me is that if he screws up a few of these, we'll be in a world of hurt for decades if not forever. It is kind of like your crazy uncle who never dro
  8. When I look at zorro; this is what I see. Yep, the world inverted because what is black is white and what is white is black. Confusing but still somehow connected to reality. pubby
  9. One thought is that the cop may be suffering from being a former military man in Iraq or Afghanistan. That history and basic training may be complicated by a latent case of PTSD making the officer's background a veritable time bomb for civilians. All we know about this particular officer is that he had been with that department about a year. An academic research project that explores if there is any correlation between these factors would either prove the thought right or wrong. The question has been raised ... was raised ... in this 2017 USA Today article. An excerpt: As we
  10. Click here for the story and that statistic reported in a businessinsider.com poll . So, I was amazed to see there might be a way to stop him. Twitter is a private business. The company could deactivate his account. Considering things like the button size, size of his hands, and all sorts of other non-presidential things it is just obvious that the company is enabling Donald to tweet. As president of the United States, this man has the power to call the networks and have them all take a feed of him speaking directly to us if he needs to speak to us. I know that I don't fo
  11. Myopia is the inability to look further ahead than your grasp of short term money. Let me suggests you consider a few realities: Trump's reception by world leaders is cold at best American foreign policy is in shambles ... much worse than you may think (link) Trump and republicans pass a tax law that will throw another 1.5 trillion on the debt (and explode deficits even before that tax giveaway comes into effect. Pulling out of the Paris climate accords Pulling out of the TPP Jerking both Mexico and Canada around over NAFTA Threatening military action in Venezuela much to the horror
  12. It is not 'taxation' when the government stacks the deck against students who were the victims of fraud by establishing rules that protect those who hold the debt. But it is okay. The only victims in the minds of like minded conservatives are those who have as those who don't have and have to borrow to educate themselves; well, they don't count. To wit: Let me see if I have this right. If you are taxed to educate people; that is theft. If, on the other hand, you borrow money to educate yourself in your 'school' and they lie to you about the 'value of the education,' and delive
  13. What a crock. You literally libel me saying that I'm bonkers because I don't drink the right wing kkkoolaid and eat the alternate facts. What you are saying is that society does not have the right to collect taxes and provide for the general welfare. I would simply point out that beginning with the preamble of the Constitution and continuing through the building of canals, rail roads, transcontinental railroads, public primary education, land grant colleges, etc. etc. etc. American history shows categorically that 'we the people' can and will decide how and what makes for a more perfec
  14. Shenanigans; There are several notable cases including one in I think Georgia where local officers acting on a I think a bogus tip, conducted a drug raid on a house. To distract the non-criminals, they tossed a flash grenade through a window into the child's cradle causing the injuries. That was off the top of my head but here is what you'd find with a search of the terms ==> Baby Bou Bou I was pretty close; I said cradle and it was instead a play pen Obviously I didn't recall the year or specific location (other than Georgia). It wasn't a local incident and I doubt I
  15. Zorro: I don't find your analysis at all compelling. What I've observed is that with increased spending since 1980 on prisons - you know we now house somewhere over 3 million inmates 24/7 across the nation - the expansion of public funding of higher education has dropped precipitously nationwide. The lottery funded Georgia Hope scholarship program was a counter to that trend but in general the effort to continue and in fact expand funding for higher education has had the effect of limiting or capping access. As one who is aware of the vagaries of economics - specifically supply an
  16. And they are NOT taking anything away from millennials or anyone else. Claiming otherwise only shows how misled you are. Really? I think that curtailing and increasing the costs associated with getting an education is very much a taking and reordering of priorities to the pocketbooks of those who hold stock and wealth from those who are young, and at one time, had low cost access to the best educational system in the world. Now, with the priorities that are in place now, the typical college student regardless of field of study, is looking at incurring immense debt as they seek higher educ
  17. <adata-ipb='nomediaparse'href='http://adserv.paulding.com/x1/www/delivery/ck.php?n=a917e73b&cb=INSERT_RANDOM_NUMBER_HERE'target="_blank"><img alt="" border="0"src="http://adserv.paulding.com/x1/www/delivery/avw.php?zoneid=2&cb=INSERT_RANDOM_NUMBER_HERE&n=a917e73b"/></a> Rock throwing teen arrested Eighteen year old Mackinely Graham Pritchardwas arrested in conjunction with three recent incidents ofrocks being thrown and damaging cars. Pritchard, ofDallas, Georgia was arrested on December 28, 2017 andcharged with three (3) counts of Terroristic Threats/Acts(F)
  18. Where did you lift that? Richard Spencer or David Duke ... or are you claiming that level of lying ignorance as all your own. pubby
  19. Supporters you say? How about co-conspirators? Among the reasons I've heard for people to support Donald Trump range from an elevated respect for authority to what ever will bring about Armageddon quickest not to mention economic advantage (aka: personal wealth increased under his regime) to social advantage that some like white nationalists and Alt-right leader Richard Spencer think will accrue. Considering those who believe in authoritarian forms of government are the natural enemies of those who promote democratic forms, one might say they are conspiring with this administration
  20. The choice between cheap widely available electric energy in abundance instead of cartel-controlled, costly, polluting carbon based burning of fuel is a matter of political will ... and that is why conservatives, as the lap dogs of the oil, gas and coal industries ... is on the wrong side of history. source: PVMagazine pubby
  21. I think you are deluding yourself as to the mainstream basis of your positions. From what I gather from your positions; vague as they are (you rarely state a position but rather just criticize others as 'socialist' or communist' or some other ism) is there is little or no room between you and the John Birchers or YAF'ers of my youth. I mean I've not hear you complain about Trump's position on moving the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem or the take our ball and go home position put forth by Nikki Haley in the UN when she threatened to cut off aid to that institution if people didn't revers
  22. So what exactly is your next career? I have some ideas but Inquiring minds what to know? As far as you're forswearing off both Republicans and Democrats; I believe it. Neither party - even it its extremes has trekkked as far off the reservation as you obviously have ... at least until very, very recently. Since I saw that post on fb, I'll tell you a story. There was a legislative aide in the senate office I worked. This guy, his name was Ed Yingling, was on the phone with some fellow from Searcy, Arkansas who was ranting about how the Congress ought to get off Dick Nixon's ass.
  23. Sooo much hair ... I'm going to pout Not really, Merry Christmas big guy. pubby
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