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Everything posted by gpatt0n

  1. So do I. But like with most things, I think those on the right just don't know what the hell they're doing and further, what they end up doing defeats the original purpose. pubby
  2. As per your link: Other than the misogynistic attitudes emanating from the White House - you did hear the latest about wife-beating presidential private secretary - the apparent only solution the governing party has is to ship the victims back to the hell hole from wince they escaped. I mean the primary difference between ISIS and MS-13 is that Isis attacked the multi-national's oil fields and sought to take territory. MS-13 operates in a jungle backwater to the south and because it touts itsself as a criminal enterprise instead of a political one, they have their supporters amo
  3. We've known for literally decades that roughly one in four septic tanks fail. There are complete subdivisions where half the septic tanks have failed. Considering that the vast majority of homes in Paulding are on septic, we would be a perfect place for application of the following innovation. Just cruising 'round the Internet, I ran across this repurposing trick that apparently is taking hold in the EU, Australia and I guess Canada. It involves taking the IBC totes one can buy for about $75/ea and, for under a $1000, turning a series of them into an actual sewage water treatment system
  4. Topic closed because someone somehow whacked the board and I can't get in to edit the mega-sized video lurking in the depths. Nothing to do with the topic or discussion, but some misplaced code. pubby
  5. What gets me is that all you folks secretly hate Hillary because she didn't divorce Bill back in the day. Now, you're going to hate Melania when she files for divorce, unless you figure she will just avoid him and hope he dies soon. You know she cancelled her Trip with donald to Davos so she could visit the holocaust memorial. There is a message in there somewhere. pubby PS: those on the far, far right have crossed the Rubicon ... that being the principled understanding that no one is above the law. They've decided that, without question and without qualification, might makes r
  6. It is always sad at when a passing occurs and my prayers are with Beach bum. pubby
  7. My personal utility of kindergarten chairs would have ended, what, six decades ago. You must be a lot younger than I thought you were, mrshoward? pubby
  8. I'm a bit perplexed by your word choice wondering if the confusion of revelation and revolution might be some kind of freudian slip about some underground armed thing you folks got going. You know a zombie apocalypse except with fundamentalist bigots instead of zombies. I really hate it how you suggest that a child that was raised from age two or three in the burbs in a middle class family that happened to have overstayed their visa is, themselves, a illegal alien. I mean this is the closest I think we've ever gotten to the notion that someone breaks the law by their taking a breath.
  9. W&W Septic is my choice. http://www.wwseptictanksvc.com/ Been advertising here for a long time. pubby
  10. Sgt. Lackey retires after 29 years at PCSO On Friday January 19, 2018 a retirement reception was held in honor of Sergeant Ed Lackey in the Sheriff’s Office conference room where he was surrounded by his friends, family, and coworkers. Sergeant Lackey began his career in law enforcement with the Paulding County Sheriff’s Office on May 31, 1988 and officially retired on December 18, 2017. When he began his career with the Sheriff’s Office, Sergeant Lackey started out as a Jailer in the Detention Center. After a short time in the Detention Center he was trans
  11. The horror campaign has not begun. The horror campaign is when Mueller starts detailing the actions of this 'president' in regard to his literal criminal past that will no doubt include money laundering for criminal enterprises. You do know that among the things not reported on Fox is that Duetsch Bank, over the objections and after an arguable bribe by the administration, they turned over financial banking records on Trump. The real issue with the trump administration is that a portion of its policies are being set by those who have blackmailed the man into following a specific cours
  12. From what I hear, he didn't wear trousers at trailer parks ... just hung them from a tree at the gate. pubby
  13. You'll note that the Republicans in Congress impeached Bill Clinton for that act. I'll note that after the racist Sh*thole statement Republican senators Tom Cotton of Ar-Kansas and Georgia Senator Purdue both lied saying that Trump didn't say what he admitted he said. Then, in true "I'm not a crook" Nixonian style, Trump himself felt compelled to say with the same degree of incredulity, "I'm not a racist." Of course, the biggest part of the problem with trump is that he is just incompetent. So incompetent that Mitch McConnell today said, "As soon as I can figure out what he is for,"
  14. What I find objectionable to your posting this 2014 video, TP, is the same thing I find objectionable when Fox5 or any of the local tv stations; in order to fulfill their fear-hype goals in local news, go out of market or even back in time to meet their 'if it bleeds it leads' quota. Since this is my site and the date/age of the video is not referenced or explained at all, I'm just closing it. pubby
  15. Judging from what Sen. Flake said in the well of the Senate, the hate referenced in this topic is Guard Dad's toward democratic and Republican institutions most Americans have and for which millions have died since 1776. pubby
  16. CC: I think a more accurate statement would be that you're "cutting into" their lying campaign. I mean I'm not one to applaud the veracity of the Fox network, but your link's headline is: Trump claims credit for what is still mostly Obama's economy By CHRISTOPHER RUGABER Published January 17, 2018 WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump relentlessly congratulates himself for the healthy state of the U.S. economy, with its steady growth, low unemployment, busier factories and confident consumers. But in the year since Trump's inauguration, most analysts tend to agree on this
  17. I think the lack of confidence comes from the fact that our president is at best a super salesman who, after one year of conflicting and often absurd pitches, tweets and insults, has been revealed to be a liar of monumental proportions. Those of you who forgive his serial lies on anything from the trivial to the substantive - there was no reason to threaten even jokingly that his nuke button is larger than Kim Jong Un's - don't get it - liars don't generate confidence. That you've bought into the lies, either as a matter of faith or faith in his artful use of deception, adds to the l
  18. This from a Gallup poll conducted in 134 countries. The decline in confidence comes from the base line that had that US as the country with the highest, by a significant margin, confidence level under former President Obama (48% vs. 30%). From the Guardian:
  19. One possible explanation TP, is that when you imprison a person, you devastate their financial circumstance which, of course means that they lose what ever residual wealth they may have had. While the various ways this wealth is taken is relevant those methods are represented by literally millions of transactions, some where the change in the advantage is relatively small. What can be seen though is a widening of gap between the wealthy and the poor and the shrinking of the middle class. The trend toward a widening gap is undeniable and unmistakable. The fact is that increased comp
  20. The last time I looked; which was some time ago, their advice when confronted by bigotry, lies and ignorance was to ignore it. People with any concept of truth and reality do have difficulty when trying to discuss anything with those whose concept of reality is what the majority would describe as something more like a bad acid trip. Of course, part of the problem is those with this bad acid trip reality are led by the biggest baddest acid trip this nation has ever had. Truly, those who see how things are going and feel comfortable with it have a distorted, even hallucinatory, unde
  21. The cop supervisor had it right when he said the video hit him like a gut punch when announcing the firings. Physical brutality is never justified. pubby
  22. I don't think any man can give or revoke permission for anyone to sleep with his wife. The very idea that it is the husband's call at all is a bit misogynistic... you know like in the woman is your property type of world view. The vows a husband and wife make to each other are incumbent on each to maintain. The better question is if you were a woman, would you want to sleep with either of these men ... or, if you don't have that good of an imagination (like dogs) ... which of these men would be a more entertaining sitting in a seedy bar having a drink. I'm sure dogs would choose T
  23. Thought this line captured a lot of what you meant CC: As far as the notion of what Trump has done for black people, I think he gave one a job although from what i gather, the hire did not exactly play to the man's strengths ... i.e. what does being a brain surgeon have to do with urban housing. Besides that, the only other black person I think he hired - also for a job no one could describe much less determine its purpose - was fired and is promising a tell-all book. Given that is the record of his administration as far as hiring is concerned, the notion he has done something aki
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