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Everything posted by gpatt0n

  1. SG: I've lost the sos link to results ... and I can't find it in google. Could you PM me the link? or post it? pubby
  2. And Trumps inauguration was the largest in world history because of all the mainstream figures, many of whom were Russian oligarchs, in attendance. Yep, salt of the earth billionaires for sure. For the record Putin is no 'communist' ...he is a kleptocrat who believes that might makes right and especially that golden rule that says that the man with the gold makes the rule. That's why Trump - ever seen his gaudy gold living style? - and he get along so well ... and you back them ... because they are the of the authoritarian mindset that combines bullying with lying, cheating and thieving.
  3. Kind of shows that cute saying that an armed society is a polite society is a lie. You need a life outside the right wing bubble. pubby
  4. Obviously, you've never heard of Hume's skepticism. Hume said, and I challenge you to say with absolute certainty that the sun will come up in the east tomorrow morning. I think we all know it will but there remains the possibility that something may happen to upset that reality. What? A quarter-earth sized asteroid could be traveling in from another solar system or even galaxy at near the speed of light, hit the earth and then, there is no tomorrow. As far as your ugliness, I think you've convinced me it may even be more than skin deep ... but I still couldn't prove that pictur
  5. Yep, you could answer NO because, much to my chagrin, we don't have Todd on record admitting that the draft letters he wrote to the FAA and to Delta's president weren't ghost written by someone else. However, we know in our guts that this true (the letters were written by a third party for effect ... and Todd was not their author. GD, for comparison. I can't prove that image you have for your avatar is not you because I don't know you from Adam. If I were to believe it was, though, I would be gullible as hell. By the same token, I can't prove that an attorney at Troutman-Sanders drafted
  6. So tell me Rhett; which liar will you be more proud of, Donald, Todd or Vernon? pubby
  7. Fewer doesn't mean banning anything dummy. Or have you guys added a fake dictionary to compliment your fake news. The whole purpose of any of the gun law is to make guns less cool. What I object to most is the culture of fear that surrounds this debate. Why? Because you only need a gun if you're afraid you'll die without one. The gun company stockholders have used their influence and the weakness of the media to hype things totally out of proportion to maximize the underlying level of fear amongst those with over-sized amydalas. Frankly, if you're not afraid to die - Christians
  8. A few documents came over the transom regarding the Truth in Paulding effort which points to the inconsistent positions Todd Pownall and Vernon Collett made under oath as they protected their 2014 electoral benefactors at Delta. The ghosts of which I refer are those whom anyone who knows Todd, in particular, would either be highly impressed with his writing or would suggest he plagiarized (had ghost written) a couple of the letters he was sending, like to the CEO of Delta. The point is the letters were quite well written, as was, for instance, the resolution we KNOW Delta Lawyers wrote fo
  9. Let's see, fewer doors might be good. There are some other things we could do with fewer of ... Fewer crazies fewer bullies fewer nazi's fewer commies fewer shotguns Of course we could just cut to the chase and say fewer people and given, say the lack of action in the face of incidents like this and other policy changes, threats, etc. that may be the ultimate point of the radical right which one might suggest actually want more crazies, more bullies, more nazis, and more guns of all kinds including shotguns; but not more commies. pubby
  10. Yes it is funny, especially considering he's a germaphobe who takes propecia for hair growth and has been called a trucking moron by his former Secy of state and an idiot by his chief of staff. I mean folks, this guy is the biggest joke around surpassed only by those who are dumb enough to support his ignorance. Consider how quickly they've swallowed after he ordered the DOJ to drop their objections to Chinese spying because ZTE phones were so equipped and now that we cut them off, they're losing jobs and as we all know, jobs for Chinese are a national priority. I mean how can you not l
  11. His tweet was pretty specific, involved no concessions or discussions with the FBI or other counter-intelligence elements in the government (came out of the blue) and was timed just a day or two after China's government funded a half-billion dollar loan to a business venture that would profit him personally. Which begs the question, "Trade deal or sell out for personal profit?" That is why it stinks to high heaven. DJT ZTE WTF? pubby
  12. Zorro: I think we'd all prefer more solar panels from China given that the solar energy industry in the us is not only in its infancy, but already employs more Americans than the coal industry and nuclear power combined. That he supports Chinese jobs at a company implicated in foreign espionage (they can manipulate the cell phones to give them eyes and ears in your bedroom dude - although I'm sure there is no compromat going on there ) while slapping a tariff on one of the fastest growing industries here ... well it is stupid. In fact it is the association of ZTE to China's intellige
  13. DJT ZTE WTF ... I guess that last little bit where the posters refused to talk about DJT or ZTE was the WTF part of the conversation which is also heavy on deflection, deception and projection. Makes me want to dub the right wing crew here the WTF boys. pubby
  14. If I were the manager of the restaurant, I'd have fired the employees on the spot. Of course, if it were a black man with a hoodie but otherwise well-behaved and the restaurant called the cops on the man and he ended up getting shot by the cop, you'd say that was tough. The truth of the situation is that employees in this case were exceeding their authority as servers in the restaurant and should be terminated. In the hypothetical, the employees calling the cops on well-behaved customer would also be a fireable offense but the reaction of the police upon arriving failing to diffuse
  15. Hardly. The China stuff just came up in the news when he TWEETED how important it was to revive China telecom company ZTE, which our intelligence services tell us is integral to Chinese espionage as they are suspected of building in surveillance capabilities in their products. Then you need to take into consideration Trumps unwillingness to divest his corporate empire which seems to be booming from foreign investment which is a tacit violation of the constitution's emoluments clause - that same constitution you claim to support. The whole idea of that clause is to protect us from foreign
  16. See, that is the kind of intensely personal attack that just pisses me off ... and it is the type of insulting post you do continually. You slipped it by the first couple of times as a joke and now it has become a meme ... and it makes me sick that the mods let it slide. It is just so unnecessarily mean-spirited. pubby
  17. Whether or not it is true, it smells bad. Here is one take under the headline "Is China straight-up bribing Donald Trump?" DJT ZTE WTF? pubby
  18. DJT ZTE WTF? What a bumper sticker. pubby
  19. First, I'm not running for office, so I'm not saying that guy sucks worse than I do. All I am say is that Todd and Vernon both lied under oath to protect the anonymity of what everyone 'knew' was Delta Airlines. They were lying because they knew that being water-boys for a private corporation seeking to maintain their monopoly over air transportation was wrong. The puppet commissioners also knew that punishing all residents in Paulding by forcing a tax increase to pay for the associated litigation, changed plans and other machinations and roadblocks dictated by their masters would be very unpo
  20. Why? Is your arm all wore out? Spoken like Eddie Haskell, who after kicking Beaver in the shin when he walked into Sunday school, turns to find Ms. Cleaver opening the door and immediately gushes that about how Christian it is to turn one's cheek as he stiff-arms Beaver whose arms try to land a blow on the unctuous creep. pubby PS: That doesn't fit with your might-makes-right supplemented with scorched earth instincts.
  21. Disclosures will all be done in filings. As far as the 'not nice' content ... what can I say, we hired the same political consultants as Delta did for Todd and the bunch. I remember you guys were lauding their work as great, stupendous, etc. This is what passes for politics these days. One might even say that what goes around comes around. pubby
  22. Parade Tuesday for South Paulding residentin running for American Idol Earning congratulations from the entire Paulding community,Caleb Hutchinson will treated to a parade Tuesday evening inDallas at 6pm. The festivities start at 6:00pm,beginning with a Parade starting at Hardee Street,coursing downMain Street and ending at the historic Paulding CountyCourthouse. Caleb will then perform a concert for his fanswho helpedvote him into contention as the 2018 winner of the AmericanIdol competition. American idol will be filming the parade, concert, andfestivities, and will feature clips on Ame
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