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Everything posted by gpatt0n

  1. Obviously you didn't follow the "Letmegooglethatforyou" link. Heck, Ann Coulter's book "Treason: Liberal Treachery from the Cold War to the War on Terrorism" starts with the premise that Tail Gunner Joe was a hero. If that isn't enough, Ted Cruz is channeling him with a style of demagoguery that has to have been inspired by McCarthy. The only real point though, in regard this topic, is that voters have been as apt to forgive politicians who lie about their service record as punish them. Consider the questions that surrounded GWB service in the National Guard and how they have been 'ha
  2. I have to say that in this case, the 'citizen journalist' was the greater horses ass. The sidewalk's proximity of the street, which was immediately adjacent, and upon which there are no regulations requiring a permit, is suggestive that videoing on the sidewalk by a commercial (multi-member shooting crew) has been problematic in the past. I suspect that since this is a pedestrian mall in front of the Whitehouse, it being kept clear has been a problem as tourists amble along. By requiring a permit - most movie productions in cities require such because of the disruption to pedestrian traf
  3. I made some updates to the video to make it not quite so stark in the beginning. I had intended to do so from the get go. pubby
  4. Heck, politicians have made their careers on bolder lies than Williams. Take "Tail-gunner Joe" for instance - They made film about him and many on the right exalt him to this day. pubby
  5. UPDATED: In show #303 we discuss the horrific news that 32 residents have died from overdoses of opiates in the last year including a piece that explores hopeful developments. We also discuss briefly the fact that the county is being sued in federal court in the death of Danny Hammett during a drug raid in 2012. We make a few announcements as well as explain why we are doing this. The update is to add a cocledoodledo over the "cs" comments... which I intended to do from the get go. Click for RECENT TOPICS click for RECENT TOPICS click for RECENT TOPICS
  6. She lived a great life. She was a joy to know so it is sad to hear. May she rest in peace. pubby
  7. I KNOW you watched Mojo! Not watching the show referred to Newsjunky, mojo. See below on who I've seen mentioning doing the censoring on the pages they control. I don't know that folks have done this for a fact as I've not posted to either page. Rather I've heard complaints from both sides saying that has been done. I'm talking about both the stop group and those that are pro-airport banning posters on their facebook pages and deleting posts. As far as the quality of the wings, Patti - who didn't partake - did confirm they were 'in date' and 'sealed' when she opened
  8. I have had times where I have had confrontations with LE in doing my job. After all, I was a police beat reporter in most of the jobs I had with newspapers. That said, I was acquainted with the officers and most of that time was before the easy access to video cameras so there are no recordings of those interactions. Third, and largely because I was known to the officers in most cases, the idea that I would be asked for ID was rarely an issue. Indeed, I typically interacted with the sheriffs, chiefs and ranking officers and when confronted by a lower-level officer, I was adept at dr
  9. Mojo: All I can say is that I got real points from that exchange I'm surprised you didn't watch the program. By letting those who objected to our playful poke deter you from seeing and reacting to what was done, you've appointed those folks to your own board of censors. And from what I've gathered, there is a lot of censoring going on, on both sides of this argument.... way too much censoring. The plain fact is that these same folks have accused us of censoring them here, but I think that you know better. I think you also know, instinctively, that there is both ri
  10. Mojo: You're going to have to ask Todd who he thought the intended target of the peace offering was. pubby
  11. Actually, there are things that need to be done here to make treatment more accessible. One of the real issues doing this is there is no 'drug court' in Paulding as there is, I believe in Cobb and Douglas. I actually had a serendipitous experience literally about an hour after I got the initial release of the letter from the SO; which was a meeting next door to PCOM in which Ann Pennebaker, who opened an office there, was talking with some drug counseling folks and even some people who are in recovery and trying to help others. I've got some editing to do on the video but one
  12. Opiates kill 32 Paulding residents in2014 - PSCO According to letter to citizens from Paulding County SheriffGary Gulledge, as many as 32 residents died in 2014 due todrug overdoses involving opiates - with at least ten ofthose deaths attributed to heroin drug overdoses. Account for at least fifteen deaths were overdoses ofprescription drugs prescribed for pain such as Oxycodone,Hydrocodone, Roxicodone and other morphine-types ofdrugs. Drug overdoses are suspected in seven morecases from 2014 but the final determination awaitstoxicology results from the GBI lab. The letter goes on to tell
  13. Same thing at Wally world is $13.83 for the 22 ct. package. pubby
  14. mrnn: I really did think the rants in the video were much better. You wouldn't care to comment on them? pubby
  15. NJ: It was for an appointment; not attendance at the meeting. I'm sure he'd arrange for it if you had an appointment. pubby
  16. Yes, I asked to interview him in the lobby (outside security) because I'm on strike against going through security. He arranged for me to bypass security since he knew (as does everyone else) that the most dangerous weapon I carry is a camera as he wanted to avoid the traffic in the lobby. He thought it would be distracting and I have to agree. (This was immediately after the morning work session and poor of pitiful me got a series of evil-eye looks from the passing parade so I don't even have to imagine.) After I left David, I ran into Todd and asked him several times to speak on cam
  17. Yes, the last 'run' Mike made was a candidate for Chairman in 2000. I seem to remember that this was the year that he switched parties from Democrat to Republican and, of course, lost in the July primary. He had run as a post commissioner as a Democrat and served on the BOC in the last of the three-man commissions. I used to visit with Mike often at his office about county business in the 1994-1996 period when was the post commissioner being hoodwinked by Bobby Hollis. He won re-election to the new five man commission as a Democrat but changed parties (as did just about everyone) for the
  18. Tbird: I would direct you to the Pat and Patti Show where we did get a smile out of our Chairman pubby
  19. Whitey: If you can't tell the difference between asking the legislature to enact a bill and serving notice on them they can't let anyone except the the three members of the board ask them to enact a bill, knowing that their choice to enact or not is their choice, then I don't know that you would understand the problem. Two: They didn't 'get away' with the change although the change was on what I consider not only a gross technicality, but another prime example of incompetents writing law and not being very good at use of language. Finally, I would be more likely to have an issue wi
  20. Both those videos are posted in the original post of this topic, unedited, uncut and whole, just as they uploaded them. The suggestion that they are edited here is a joke and we are sourcing the same exact file. The poster just doesn't like the idea that anyone else can hold an opinion that doesn't agree with hers. They'll delete any dissenting opinions 'there.' pubby
  21. I always heard it was ROTFLMAO ... because logically, you roll on the floor ... but I guess if I were as rich as you are, the pile in the carpet would be so deep, you'd be rolling in the floor so I'll forgive you 'cause I know what you're talking about. pubby PS: all I heard about your dancing is that white men can't dance but since I wasn't sure of your heritage, I didn't want to presume
  22. Tundra: On the resolution, I took that woman destined for martyrdom, Kerstin??'s word in her speech that this was an important piece of local legislation ... not a non-binding statement that the three post commissioners were showboating about. I don't recall being given a packet or anything on the measure and I don't think the notion that the measure being voted on was non-binding by its sponsors. There was no discussion amongst the members of the board whatsoever that this was non-biding. I did hear a snippet from Todd that he had heard some discussion of another bit of local legisl
  23. Insensitive ... And I thought you were taking up for Sue until I saw that crossroads was giving you the thumbs up. Two more things: First your signature - All I can say is you're not the first and won't be last. I do hope folks bring a video camera to my wake so they can catch the level of joy in the faces of those .... dancing on my grave:) Second, as a moderate Democrat in Paulding County - the type that a current post commissioner says would be punched out if I knocked on some doors in Paulding asking for a vote - I have personal experience with how "a private citizen
  24. That was cool. The question is "Would pcom be able to amass that kind of star power for a Nerd Prom?" Maybe if we could get stradial to come on camers, we could The problem is those who harbor vindictiveness go to great pains to not only hide it but deny it because it is not an attractive character trait. It is only by their express actions that we see it in action. What can also be confusing is when some, who have wealth, embrace vindictive attitudes, they use their wealth and power to get others in institutions, who presumably have no specific agenda, to inflict harm on ot
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