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Everything posted by weatherboy

  1. Everyone's power bill is more because of summer rates. I say just put cotton in your ears and keep on smiling.
  2. Do they have an age limit on Jury Duty? Do they call people over 65 if so how do they keep them awake?
  3. Does anyone know how much it cost for children to get in at the rodeo? Thanks in advance.
  4. Georgia Tornado you are a great person to do what you did. The school system should have to pay for all of this with the county tax money. But I know that you did it for the child and not the County. You are great anyway.
  5. Schools have changed from when I went to school. Kids have it made. Mrs. Weatherboy
  6. Thank Pubby . You are great.
  7. weatherboy


    Pubby would you please post the winners of the Bingo and what we won. Some of us are not sure what we won. Thanks.
  8. What about one of Caped Crusader's Hawaiian shirts ?
  9. Thank you Jet Man and Charlies Angels for answering my post. This one like all of my posts died before it started. Well folks since nobody liked my idea about that I am going to tell a joke that is worse than my post. George Bush found Bin Laden hid in a cave and talked him into coming out to play bingo. When old Bin got to playing bingo he looked up and hollored B_52 and Bush said Bingo. A Bingo Joke. Sick I know.
  10. I voted and it is boring.
  11. Yes people have more fun than anybody. I know I am crazy too.
  12. Well folks we now have bingo on P.Com on wendesday afternoon so what we need now is something for the morning. How would everyone feel about a thrity minute live swap shop each morning with Lppt or Pubby as host. This would be a call in program for people that had things to sell or trade or even give away. I know that there are already radio programs in this area like this but they don't have Pubby and Lppt. I don't expect this to happen but I just thought that I would put this out and see what you think about something along this line for more entertainment in the morning. What do you think
  13. WOW Looks like an old person on Obama's health plan.
  14. I say it is all Hogwash. Nothing can be real when you know a camera is on you all of the time. If it was real they wouldn't need a wall around it. That is all show. Did you notice that they already had steps going up to the top of the winners house so they could go put the flag up. How did they know who would need the steps ahead of time. Someone said one of the people is from American Idol so what does that tell you.If that was real the families could just get together and agree to split the money no matter who won and they would all be winners. HOGWASH.
  15. I think the wall is to keep the tears from flooding the neighborhood.
  16. Great minds work alike. I told my wife in six weeks or so she will be so caught up in this show that she will want the familys that get kicked out to move in with us. Maybe you will have an extra room also.
  17. TV Show about neighbors like survivors. I say it is all hogwash. Made up ahead of time. Please don't vote me out of the neighborhood.
  18. On Channel 46 now. That is CBS.
  19. You are right and I told him the same thing. I said I really like the way that ya'll let the public speak and give their opinion. He said we don't have to agree but we do need to listen.Very good answer I believe the same way.
  20. Well folks after church today we stopped at Powder Springs to eat and had the pleasure of sitting next to Tommy Graham and his wife and family. They are really nice down to earth people. I told him what a good job they are doing and that I understood about the tax hike and know that it was passed down from the former commission. I think that they are really trying to do a good job.. We need to back them all we can .
  21. Wake up wake up it's another day that the lord has made rejoice and be glad in it. Go to church and thank God for waking you to see another day. God is great.
  22. Thanks Subby you are nice too. Just going to give it a try fixing to go to bed. Nothing going on here tonight. Good night.
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