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Everything posted by weatherboy

  1. Billy Jo Bradley while no one is watching would you give me a Mayberry.
  2. When you smiling when you smiling the whole world smiles with you. CC you can make anyone smile. so keep on smiling.
  3. Now I use the same card tomorrow that I have been using, then I get one of the new ones when the rodeo starts. It that right?
  4. Another story about the turtle and the hair. CC'S Hair. CC you are the greatest.
  5. When I got mine they wanted records from the school and army and so much stuff untill I just wrote them and told them that was all I could get . I said just send my money back and thats when they mailed my birth certificate to me. I was fed up with them. .Hope things work out better for him. They didn't believe I was me.
  6. Why do some people say the house burned down and others say the house burned up? Why do people that are fishing sit on the bank and throw out as far from the bank as they can throw and other go out in the boat and throw to the bank.Why not just switch places?
  7. Good morning everyone. Have a blessed day.
  8. I don't call it pay it forward . I like what the Bible says [you reap what you sow] . If you sow good things good things will be returned unto you . If you sow bad things [ like the one that took your money] bad things will be returned unto you. So you can rest knowing that she will pay dearly somewhere down the line.
  9. Thank the Lord for 2800.pounds of food. That would feed 2800 people one pound of food for one meal. Maybe a bunch of families for a week or two. Thanks to all of the great people that took their time and money to help someone they don't even know and may never meet. You can all go to bed tonight with a great big smile on your face knowing that you made life a little easer for someone else. We have the greatest people in paulding County to help others in need .Thanks to everyone that went to the Simple Gospel yard sale today and the ones that got Backpacks and school supplies for the kids. They
  10. Good morning everyone. Have a blessed day. Nice day to get out and enjoy yourself.
  11. HELLO. Hope you have had a great day.
  12. Good morning everyone. Getting ready to keep some of our grandchildren. Have a blessed day.
  13. I'm a dummy. I don't know what these faces stand for unless the word by one shows up. I just use one when I want to. If it looks like it might go with what I have typed, I use it. Sorry if one ever offended anyone. I'm sure it wasn't meant that way. Mrs. Weatherboy
  14. That is a great one. Tell them to hold on while you pray for them. They will get right or get left.
  15. <object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value=" name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object> no it did not work. what did I do wrong? I will keep trying.......and trying.
  16. I think so. I'll try again. Thank you.
  17. THIS CAME UP:There is an error with your BBCode. It is possible that you have incorrectly used a tag such as [TAG] when it is meant to be used as [TAG=] or vice-versa.
  18. QUESTION? When I hit the reply button on here, what do I type? Do I type those bracketts then where do the others letters or numbers come from? I go to youtube and find the one I want but I am confused on where and what to type. Mrs. Weatherboy
  19. Maybe she is shipping herself in a crate to you for a surprise.
  20. Raining here too. Thank you Lord for the good rain.
  21. Good morning everyone. Have a blessed day.
  22. Pubby I understand what you are saying. I just hope things don't get out of hand and go over board and start withholding pain medcine and antibotics and basic needs just because someone is going to die anyway. So do you think that would lead to others such as younger people that was in a car wreck and wasn't expected to make it? I know a young man now that is in his thirties that was in a motorcycle wreck and has been in a coma for about two months. I am sure that his hospital bill would be outrageous so how would they feel about him.
  23. How in simple words do I post something from Youtube? Thanks in advance.
  24. Said even if you have money you won't get anymore treatment than anyone that does not.
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