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Georgia Dawg

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Everything posted by Georgia Dawg

  1. According to the latest experts.... "There are signs business confidence is waning. Companies have cut their spending on computers and machinery for two straight months, goods that signal investment plans. And some regional surveys suggest the factory activity is expanding at a slower pace. Consumers are also more downbeat about the economy, according to some a May survey from the Conference Board. That could lead more Americans to cut back on spending, which drives 70 percent of economic growth." Of course, this didn't come from NPR...
  2. Hank Johnson is the democrat who believes that the island of Guam would flip over if too many people go there. Can't blame that on slow speech or lost in thought. You can't fix stupid. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNZczIgVXjg
  3. Georgians aren't cornering the market on being "misinformed". Just look at how a majority of American's voted in the last General Election. Talk about being misinformed...
  4. Too bad Alton Brown doesn't know the difference between shopping and shoplifting.
  5. The reason gas prices fell is because the price of crude oil dropped from $147 per barrel to below $70 per barrel. Oil finally bottomed out at around $40 a barrel. Then as the US started printing more and more dollars, the price of oil artificially started going back up because the US dollar wasn't worth what it was previously. That's one reason OPEC wants to change the Monetary standard for oil prices - mainly because the USD can't be relied upon when the US prints money out of clear air.
  6. You think everyone should pay the same percentage in taxes? Since we have a progressive tax rate structure, do you feel everyone should pay the percentage that the lowest taxpayers do (15%), or what the highest taxpayers do (39.6%)? If republicans had not blocked everything? The democrats were in control of both houses and the presidency and still have control of the senate. Where's the progress? There's the budget?
  7. I personally think that the reason a lot of people confidence is higher because they see and know that Obama's government is going to attempt to redistribute wealth their way in the form of giveaways and "stimulus" prior to the election and they're looking forward to getting their fair share. For myself, my confidence will rise whenever gas prices get closer to the $1.87 national average they were when Obama took office. $3.50+ gas prices are NOT a deal.
  8. Well, this morning they stated that the GLOBAL economy as well as the US economy was slowing down at an alarming rate. Manufacturing is really trending down... And you know if they said it on ABC - Good Morning America, it has to be true. I really expect the MSM to sugar coat the bad economic news as it gets closer to the November election so everyone will think things are getting better and vote to re-elect Obozo back into office. But it doesn't appear that ABC is going along with the party line (as NPR and other government controlled news agencies).
  9. Yeah, getting rid of 27,000 with an average income of $130K and other companies hiring over 27,000 with an average income of $40K. Yeah, that tells me the economy is improving..... NOT!
  10. It must not be that good. My wife was reading it. When we had sex, I made her lose her place... TWICE!
  11. Don't tell ZC. Her bluebirds on her shoulder are still chirping...
  12. I really, really, wish Tony Robbins would run for President of the US and help change the American people to greatness.
  13. I don't think washers will start running without putting money in them. So...... They didn't wait around to get their money back..... I bet the kid doesn't talk dirty to his parents anymore.... "Let's get outta here before they start comparing me to the tanning mom...."
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=coYoIHj91HA&feature=player_embedded
  15. Any public company has stockholders. Boards of directors have a fiduciary duty to protect the interests of those stockholders. If an entity comes along and makes an offer that is acceptable and makes sense for their stockholders then the transaction will usually take place (barring any objection from FTC). I believe the Chinese are making a smart move in exchanging money for 'something' rather than a 'US Government IOU'.
  16. I believe TP must be off his medication.. again....
  17. Well, because it's the law. It bothers me when people drive on the wrong side of the road, fail to wear their seat belts, fail to use their turn signals, etc, etc, etc...
  18. What amazes me is the number of people who drive around with those hanging from their mirror. It clearly states on it to remove from mirror before driving the vehicle. I guess the handicap placard is for MENTAL handicaps for some...
  19. Obama would rather have everyone take the paycut. That way it doesn't show up in the unemployment numbers and they can continue the lies that everyone who has a job is getting paid what they're worth.
  20. You hit the nail HIT ON THE HEAD!!! Is there ANY government run program that is efficient and self sufficient? NO! That's why the government shouldn't be in that business in the first place. The private sector can run any business better and more efficiently than the government can. Why can't we learn from those mistakes???
  21. There may be some things employees at the Hiram PO do well, but there are a LOT of things they don't do well. I can't count the number of times I've had to file complaints about my mail carrier. Then the Hiram Post Master started covering up and trying to explain away the definciencies of the employees. So I've had complaints filed against the Post Master. They had the Post Master call me multiple times, with the manager on the conference call, to apologize for not doing something correctly or for not correcting the mail carrier. (Complaining to my mother about their service, got me the proper
  22. In November of 2011 the U.S. Federal District Court ruled in favor of the sheriffs. In fact, they stated that each state is a sovereign state and the duly elected sheriff of a county is the highest law enforcement official within a county and has law enforcement powers execeeding that of any state or federal official. Apparently, Eric Holder and the Justice Department feel they are ABOVE any Supreme Court decision. “If a sheriff doesn’t want the Feds in his county he has the constitutional right and power to keep them out, or ask them to leave, or retain them in custody.”
  23. Let's see.. You loose 50,000 jobs making $80K a year, replaced by 50,000 jobs making $45K a year. Yep, sounds equal to me.
  24. Walking has become dangerious: pollution, crime, traffic and, the loss of town centers and small stores. But watch people circle the mall over and over looking for the closest spot to the door and then walking all over the mall once inside. If you like walking so much, there are planty of parking spaces on the outskirts of parking lots - use them!
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