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Everything posted by xxrsellars

  1. Yes,yes, I'm suffering and I don't think the little blue pill is gonna help....
  2. Ron Paul, although he won't come close, is the only one I have heard that would work to put the Government back to where it should be and return States Rights and isolate(so to speak) this country and stop being the world police. Yeah, he has a couple wacky things going, but so do the others. The real problem rest with the lifetime politicians in the congress.
  3. So I guess you're not smart enough to answer the poll/question, just make smart ass comments that mean nothing......
  4. Yep, I'll be voting, don't care too much for the choices.
  5. Well JJ, you started my day with a sigh of relief and a good laugh. !!
  6. They may be black as night, but the way you shine they sparkle at night......
  7. Our power went off and on two or three times. is Buchanan Circle close to Rose's store? Never mind, I found it....
  8. Start making friends with your local body shop......Good Luck !!!
  9. So you haven't lived or visited a country in Europe?
  10. Lived in a certain part of Europe for 4+ years, yes it's true and women don't shave their legs or under arms either, deodorant was a luxury item. If you want to live like Europeans here, where ya going on vacation?...
  11. Wow !! Awesome story, thanks for posting. Does make one think.
  12. If you have a driving schedule to post, that would be nice, then I would know when I should stay off the roads......
  13. Can only hope and pray for a quick resolution.
  14. Well LPPT, I guess it wasn't on the lighter side I went from a Darkened heart, pathetic, sad, venom to even Killing.....because I agreed with you that I wouldn't be Terrified of Obama dying......Cracks me up, the postings got worse as they went down the line..... Only on a message board
  15. I didn't get that impression (closed minded prejudicial bigot state). It appeared you painted with an awful wide brush since we don't know who you are "calling Out".......I'm not real sure who actually has a problem here.....maybe you??
  16. I don't give a good crap how long you or your family have been here, you are the one that had bad things to say about Your State..."closed minded prejudicial bigot state". You don't like it MOVE !!!
  17. Delta is ready when you are !!! Just saying.....
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