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Everything posted by xxrsellars

  1. Holder needs to become someones bunk buddy in prison.
  2. Well Dang !! Hope you have a wonderful day... Happy "B" Day !!!!!
  3. yup, I was getting the camper ready today, one small black cloud came over and dumped rain on me that should tell me something.
  4. Choot'em !!! He'll know what it's like to be raped when he gets to prison.
  5. Hold up !! I'm going camping so ya know it's gonna rain...
  6. Boy, this topic makes me want to jump up and run eat breakfast.....
  7. My ears stayed clogged for a couple weeks and I couldn't hear a thing my wife said......oh what peace !!! But, they cleared up. Get well soon !!!
  8. There for a second I thought you was gonna talk about me...
  9. Well poop on what they think, well, maybe not poop, you know what I mean, let the little one have a grand old time in the pool !!!
  10. If they would have just let us kick it....With what we had we could have made a parking lot within two weeks, blacked topped and white lines painted....Oh well!!
  11. See, that's where the new "Drone" control bill comes in, it's all in the Master Plan.....take away all the guns from the good folks, then go in with Drones and kill all the bad folks....end result= unarmed society, see, they got it all figured out.
  12. that be them, I thought they had to be psycho, had no fear.
  13. We were frontrunner, they had just started the LRRP training in nha trang.
  14. I was on a Recon team (intel), depending on the mission we would go out for 4-10 days, back in for 3 more or less. It could get real dicey at times. My heroes were the daredevil chopper pilots that would come in and extract the team when we were compromised and the chit hit the fan.
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