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Everything posted by adult.

  1. And we call this the land of the free...
  2. Is Atlanta really that scary? I've been here for a few years, and there never seems to be a problem as long as you aren't an idiot (don't walk down Boulevard at night, stick to busy roads if you're downtown, etc). Plus, Atlanta is pretty bike friendly.
  3. 15mg of melatonin, a quick spank session, and . Works like a charm.
  4. What is it exactly that's bothering you here? Is it the fact that genetic engineering may occur, or that it may be available only to the wealthy?
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4GCwW2pLzA
  6. I still fail to see how legalizing gay marriage would be shoving anything "down your throat." If gay people may join in a union called "marriage," how are your rights curbed? How does this change the way you live your life? Unless you're just so revolted by the notion of gay people calling their loving relationship the same thing you call your loving relationship that you simply can't carry on, I don't see any way this would affect you on a practical level. Unless you're just a homophobe to an incredible degree, nothing is being shoved down your throat. You want to bitch and moan about equal r
  7. The silly argument isn't the one that asserts a word can't refer to two different things? There are plenty of things that are legal that I don't accept. What rights are being "trampled" here?
  8. Wasn't "separate but equal" addressed by the Supreme Court a while ago? Why the necessity to call them different things, anyway? A man can be named James and I can call him Jim, but they're the same thing. If the government issues marriages and civil unions with the exact same rights, what is the difference aside from bureaucratic nonsense?
  9. The impossibility of a woman properly parallel parking has nothing to do with genetics.
  10. I merely said the two fight for what they believe; you seem to think it's justified for the former to behave like the latter.
  11. It's reprehensible that you think one man who fights for what he believes is an animal whose corpse deserves desecration, while another man who fights for what he believes is at no fault for desecrating said corpse (because this is such a decent, humane act).
  12. It isn't uncomfortable to me; I see a corpse as no more than lifeless matter. I just wouldn't be surprised to see a double standard.
  13. So we all agree it's totally cool for the Taliban to piss on our dead soldiers, too, right?
  14. Should bars and liquor stores be shut down as well?
  15. Yet again, the gooberment is crushing small business. It's a shame.
  16. I suppose that in order to prevent potential terroristic threats, it would be convenient for law enforcers to just conduct a daily search of everyone's home. Is that not a violation of the Fourth Amendment? Reasonless questioning of a driver in a vehicle is no different.
  17. A business owner can make millions upon millions, close down shop, and refuse to spend a dime; and we see nothing wrong with that! But an illegal immigrant making less than minimum wage and spending it to live... God forbid.
  18. Oh, come. There are certainly some bad dealers, but plenty are good people. Just because someone sells some weed on the side to supplement their income doesn't mean they're going to go out and commit burglary.
  19. Are you? No one is fighting for the right to a Christian marriage. You are aware that it is possible to obtain a marriage without ever stepping foot into a church, right? That's what we're fighting for. It's entirely secular, and the state calls it marriage. If you want a religious marriage with no legal implications, have at it. But as long as it has legal implications, there should be no sexually discriminatory restrictions.
  20. Not all drug dealers are bad people.
  21. It's $3 per month. Come on, y'all, they aren't that ballsy yet.
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