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Everything posted by toxic

  1. Whitey, I meant to commend you on your past participations. I didn't mind the School bond personally, I was very (and still am) opposed the $65m courthouse (I am still confused how the County bonded $65M without a public vote), didn't agree with the land purchase but accepted the public vote as the will of the majority, I was 50/50 on the Fire Tax but that looks well managed so far. I can honestly say I don't ever remember seeing a $400M sewer upgrade bond... Are you sure about that??
  2. Your response is the opposition party line. No matter how many times you folks repeat it, it doesn't make it true. Could this whole deal been handled better, absolutely but some of your crowd are verbally attacking these folks calling them thieves and liars... I don't get it. Forget your passion for a second and ask yourself which is more likely: A.) Four of the five Commissioners, both Mayors, the Chamber of Commerce and several successful business men who serve for no pay on a board created by the State General Assembly (not the Board of Commissioners) all collectively conspired
  3. Whitey, I don't know you but your statement of "if they win, Paulding County wins" is very overstated. You must assume everyone in the county that is not on the government payroll is on your side... With the exception of the Delta funded pawns, a few nearby residents and the Delta employees that appear to be getting propaganda emails, nobody's else seems to share your passion. I don't begrudge anyone who has a beef with the establishment but folks that run around screaming " I want transparency" & "Stop the secrets" but then want to play by different rules don't impress me. I have ask
  4. If the folks suing the county to stop the bonds are unwilling to divuldge who is propping up all of their legal fees why should ANY citizen in this county be remotely sympethetic to their cause?? These folks say they want openess and transparency then operate under a shroud of secrecy at the direction of their Delta puppet master! Do either Susan Wilkins or Anthony Avery even live within 5 miles of the airport, or in Paulding County for that matter??? What is their real motivation (read, what do they stand to gain) behind their actions???
  5. Why on earth would I move??? I think the Chairman and the majority of the commissioners are doing exactly what we elected them to do... make tough decisions that are in the best interest of the Public, even if some of those decisions are not popular with some folks. I respect a leader that can make up his/her own mind without having their opinions dictated to them by special interest groups.
  6. So the airline that was so well operated that it had to declare bankruptcy a few years ago is now shoving its nose into Paulding's deal to protect the citizen's of Paulding County??? I wonder how they protected those poor 800 citizen employees when their stock went to ZERO! They probably just wrote them a check so they didn't loose anything-corporate america is like that you know, always looking out for the little guy. And some of you folks are actually buying this crap... If you think these anti-everything fruitloops that are coming to the church tonight to negotiate with themselves ar
  7. I'm glad to see I live in a county where the Chairman cares more about doing the right thing for the betterment of the entire county than what may be in his short-term political best interest, I only wish all of the Commisioner's conducted themselves like that. Some of you on here seem to be against things just for the sport of it. I watched the last few Commissioner meeting video's where some of these "anti-everything" fruitloops stood up and said they were speaking on "behalf of the citizen's of Paulding County"; thanks but I can speak for myself... Personally, I hope this airport is very
  8. Well Well.....Heath supporter has a change of heart
  9. and "they" are also listening in with secret wire taps and monitoring their movement with GPS enabled lojack equipment... Are you kidding me... did the county build a Bat Cave under the Taj Mahal or something??
  10. Yeah, post it. I want to see if Crowe has the same level of integrity as Heath.
  11. It is amazing to me how much you and Commissioner Pownall think alike... It's almost like you two work together. As for the legal suit against the County. We have all heard about this ongoing issue for years. The Appeals Court from what I understand sided with the County and thought the ruling by the local judge was laughable. Sounds to me like the county have the grounds 9as well as the obligation) to stay in the case. Based on what you wrote above, if you are elected, all I have to do is bring a suit against the county and I can count on your endorsment to quickly settle for $100,000
  12. I just got the latest political litter box liner out of my mail box. Could someone tell Tony Crowe how to spell "reservior" and "decision"? Also let him know using a period at the end of sentence is a good idea also.
  13. I have never watched the BOC meetings online, I always see them on TV when nothing else is on. I am waiting to see the latest one to see if Commissioner Pownall makes good on his promise to give back his paycheck. I noticed Commissioner Barnett did.
  14. Heidi Legget is running for a Commission Posts for one reason and one reason only - Todd Pownall told her to! Todd wants another vote on the Board of Commissioners to push his narrow-minded, self serving agenda. Todd doesn't like the airport (who cares, its here... that ship has sailed) so Heidi is against it; Todd is against the reservior, so Heidi is againast it. SHE WORKS FOR HIM!!! Talk about an inside job, wake up people. I'm all for differing points of view but not when they are being spoon fed... Wow, this one isn't that hard to figure out. Do we really want the Todd & Heid
  15. Dorveille is not Anivatarte. I must say I was a little surprised at some of his recent political postings after I determined who he really was... I thought he had more class than that - I've been wrong before.
  16. That wasn't very nice Dorveille. BTW that was a nice hat you were wearing on your 11,000 mile RV trip.
  17. Wait a minute. The sheetrock business that Crowe is boasting about as his qualifications for being Commission Chairman was actually a side business that he was running while he was a building inspector for the county??? I guess he needs to change his campaign signs from "It's about people" to "It's about Profit"
  18. So according to the news broadcast, Commissioner Pownall is opposed to a former Commissioner and current DNR board member making an effort to get a dependible water source for Paulding County??? What an idiot!! Clearly he dosent understand how the system works. While I would love to save the few hundred bucks in taxpayer dollars it costs for the travel expenses, I would rather the federal government pick up the multi-million dollar tab on the reservoir project. I'm guessing Todd is backing the sheetrock guy for Chairman. I guess birds of a feather... Looking forward to the debate on Tue
  19. My quess is if Heath still represents Paulding after redistricting he will face a significant challenge.
  20. George Turner was DA between Foster and Osborne. He was a friend of Tom Murphy appointed by Gov. Miller to fill Foster's unexspired term. Osborne beat him in the following election.
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