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Everything posted by toxic

  1. Paulding County's Elected IQ just went up 50 points...
  2. Not sure I buy that Kertstin excuse... But agree, if its not yours, leave it alone. The ripped up stolen signs laying in the chair are by some Pownall signs... probably just a coincidence... said no one ever!
  3. The only thing those three and their groupies are capable of doing is what the Delta lawyer puppet masters order them to do. These dudes are one trick ponies!! From this photo looks like they will do anything to keep these guys in office- even stealing other peoples signs... desperate much?? Anybody know who this groupie is? Bye Felicia!! Sign Thief Busted!.pdf
  4. If Roger Leggett is qualified to be the Commission Chairman then Snoopy can manage the Airport... These anti-airport folks are so desperate to keep their pigeons in place they will say or do anything. Some pretty strong accusations swirling around Roger... If even half of it is true (and may it not be) I don't want him any where near my family. Tundra... Did you vote for Tony Crowe because you thought he was qualified (seriously??) or because ya'll engaged in business together while he was a Building Inspector for the County.
  5. Renew another SPLOST: That mean I have to trust "Turd" Pownall, Tony "9th Grade" Crowe, or Vernon "somebody tell me what to say" Collett with 6years of my SPLOST money... Plus... A guaranteed Chairman with absolutely no experience in managing anything close to the County's $100M annual budget. Hmmm, yeah, that's a NO...
  6. Rockster, you can't take the wheels off a race car and then complain it hasn't won a race... Tundra, what is one thing Brett Smith has done... Best I can tell, managed to stave off the City of Atlanta and Delta efforts to put Paulding in its place, no thanks to the short sighted efforts of the vocal minority and their recently purchased Commissioners. Let Paulding Fly!!!!! Just makes me all warm inside. Also, thanks for the fist bump Nice Green.
  7. Why are you and your anti-cronies so afraid of commercial success at the Paulding Airport? If it fails, you lose little, if it is awesome, we all win... I don't understand your fear of success. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Glad Cobb is doing well, how about making it Paulding's turn?? It is always easier to sit on the sidelines and throw rocks at other peoples ideas than it is to come up with an idea of your own...
  8. Hey Whitey... You want some cheese with that whine??? It just grates on you that so many well informed people could come together and take a dump on all the anti-everything issues. Todd, Tony and Vernon got a wake-up call on Thursday... It's a different picture when your dozen or so disgruntled citizens aren't there blowing smoke up their azz. Past time for the silent majority to wake up and let folks know we don't need Atlanta telling us how to run our county.
  9. Wow, it took you like 7 minutes to respond. Do you spend your free time following me?? Are you on Todd's payroll or is your life really so shallow you spend it defending that piece of garbage. I mean really, what has Turd ever done for Paulding other than crapping on anybody trying to make a difference? The guy is only capable of telling everyone else why they are wrong. Best I can tell he NEVER leads a conversation - He always takes the Monday night quarterback approach and craps on the ones in the trenches trying to lead. Tireboy... You still proud of all those nasty PM's you sen
  10. The most vocal anti-airport folks were not included among the list of people named in the public record searches... Possibilities... The Ponytail Prisioner is a drama queen looking for ANY avenue to get her pathetic name in the press - seriously, this chick has been arrested 6 times and is some sort of figurehead in the local Rebullican Party??? Or Jones was telling the truth and Todd is the scumbag behind the extortion...
  11. How anyone, including the "blue shirt" mafia could condem the construction of Veteran's Park is beyond belief. This group seems to be anti-everything positive in this county. I heard recently the no-balled Commissioners this group is propping up are getting weak-knees on the reservoir project. Not that anyone should be surprised; these three Clowns don't posses the balls to to anything that is long-term. These bottom dwellers don't make a move without consulting the Ponytail "what.. I got arrested again" Prisioner, Troutman Sanders, Chip Lake, Cathy "finally paid my back taxes" Sasser-
  12. Well... Apparently you want to see it [TUNDRA]. BTW, did you get those open records requests submitted that Todd told you to file at the last BOC meeting?? Probably not, you were probably too busy avoiding paying your property taxes. The county could use that $7,000 if you could get it in. I mean, they gotta a bunch a legal bills to pay. Not everybody gets free Troutman & Sanders legal assistance. Hey, BTW, saw a great new mugshot of your girlfriend Ponytail Prisoner in a recent edition of "Busted Magazine". When do we get to see your boyfriend Todd's picture in there?? That group of yo
  13. I think the Chamber of Commerce does a great job promoting Paulding. It is sad that a dozen or so disgruntled anti-airport citizens can put such a grey cloud over this county. Sadder still is Todd, Tony, an Vernon take their orders from these idiots. So how much money is in the budget for the Chamber this year??? Take that figure and divide that number by 155,000 residents. If it is over 5 cents a person I would be shocked. Why don't you spend time worrying about who "bought" Todd, Tony and Vernon and feeds them their opinions to further their special interest causes. Where is the mo
  14. Patti Smith is running a good campaign.... Seriously?? She took a crap on the military and belittled folks with REAL issues with PTSD. That chick is toast!! Maybe Crowe can't raise money because people are tired of donating to his biannual ego campaign...
  15. Whitey, are you going to share some of that Delta $$$$ with Todd and Crowe???
  16. Barnett is obviously not the joker I was referring to... but you already new that. I can't think of a more dysfunctional duo than a Todd and Tony show. One doesn't know anything and the other wouldn't be able to understand it. The one thing that have in common is they both want to be in charge of something. You think you hate the commission now, give those two guys a few months.
  17. Let me guess... Tony Crowe fan... Yeah, that's not who I want managing my money; the guy worked in the development department which lost us millions because of bad development bonds. Instead of lining up side jobs for sheetrock work maybe he should have been trying to make sure his fellow workers had their eye on the ball. And before you give me some BS about how it wasn't his responsibility, think about how his inaction in his own department is going to translate into the kind of Commissioner he will be. We already have one joker on the board who knows nothing about anything cause n
  18. So you wanted the Commissioners to make some changes to the IBA and Airport Authority - they agree to consider it and you complain... They agree to form a committee of people not associated with any boards, not elected, and are actual citizens of the county - and you complain... You now question the integrity of their future appoints to a committee that hasn't even met yet... Exactly how do you proposed these citizen get placed onto this new committee???
  19. It's not OK with me at all. If somebody can figure out how to get blood out of their turnip then do what Surepip does best... Sue their azz.
  20. Tundra, it's funny how you defend everything Todd and Tony Crowe touch. Todd was in charge of that bond issue that went through the IBA for the subdivision paving... that seems very self-serving. Tony Crowe was in the Development Department during the time all of those bonds were being used...
  21. Patti, you have just re-defined new low! BTW, the local VFW is in the Commission Post you and Todd are running for!! "The willingness with which our young people are likely to serve in any war, no matter how justified, shall be directly proportional to how they perceive the Veterans of earlier wars were treated and appreciated by their nation" - President George Washington
  22. Some folks learn this the hard way (like me). Don't fear the person who tells you how it is, even when you don't want to hear it. Fear the "friend" that tells you what you want to hear; tells you why you are right and why you are the victim. Agrees with you when others don't. That's the person to watch!
  23. You can pick out anything to "prove" your point, your way... Watch: Ever been to St. Simons Island??? The golf course at the foot of the runway is one of the finest in the state. Adjoining Sea Island is some of the most expensive land in the state. I certianly would mind staying in those hotels, eating at those resturants, walking around those streets...
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