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Everything posted by cranemec

  1. My recommendation too. Dr. Laur is AWESOME!
  2. Do I get a say in who or whom does or does not get to eat my Cannoli? 'Cause I gotta tell ya, Stradial isn't exactly at the top of my list. Sorry Stradial.
  3. As Herman pointed out this morning, look and see who she follows on Twitter to get a true picture of who Michelle Nunn is. I dare you to find a conservative on her list. They would all be smart to run from the party as quick as possible.
  4. 2 bags. One on him too in case hers fell off.
  5. Finally got(took) the time to get my new wheels and tires put on the ole girl. There are still few things that need to be done before I am satisfied. Adding the new wheels and tires added one more to the list. Now that they are on the truck the front end needs to be lowered a couple of inches to close the gap between the tire and fender. New seats will be here tomorrow. The current seats sit way to high and too far forward. I was never happy with that choice. The body chrome needs to be aligned and polished. Headliner, door panels........ AH HELL, WHO AM I FOOLING! One is NEVER satisfied wit
  6. Those should be easy to keep looking good. Good choice!
  7. John Wayne Bobbitt has given his 2 inches on the subject now. http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2014/04/18/john-wayne-bobbitt-weighs-in-on-rapper-andre-johnsons-penis/?intcmp=features
  8. cranemec


    Seems she's gone from Facebook too. Or I pissed her off in some way and she unfriended me. :It happens.
  9. This was right after they were put in. Not trying to discourage you. I absolutely love our counter tops. They are beautiful. I would put them in again in a second. Just be aware that they are a pain to keep looking new and shiny all the time.
  10. It's hard to tell but the Black Galaxy has flecks of copper in it.
  11. Ours is black Galaxy. When it's clean it's BEAUTIFUL!!! It's just keeping it clean on a day to day basis. When we get done with dinner you can't just wipe them down with a damp cloth. You have to get the Windex and the paper towels out. That is if you want them to look Amazing all the time.
  12. I'm starting to not like our black granite counter tops. They are a BITCH to keep clean. I agree with a little black goes a long way.
  13. http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2014/04/17/rapper-cuts-off-penis-reattach-fails/?intcmp=features So Rapper Andre Johnson cuts off his johnson and jumps from a second story balcony in a failed suicide attempt. The reattachment of the johnson to Johnson was not successful. I can't stop giggling at this story. It's all just so far out there. Especially this line in the story. " They said by the time they got downstairs he was running around screaming."
  14. Yep. We were all stupid teenagers at one time and did some pretty stupid stuff without the cops being involved. We had it worse, at least I did, our parents beat our asses. It's just Mace. Everyday thousands of 18 year old kids are put in a room full of riot control CS gas and TOLD to take their gas mask off. That was my 18th birthday present. Welcome to basic training, Army style.
  15. So glad we don't have to deal with HOA Nazi's. It's my freaking property, I will do what I wish. Which is why I chose to live in the middle of 80 acres.
  16. What? I can't get up and help? Believe it or not, I kind of like the big pain in the ass. She's goofy, but she lays on the bed looking at me with those happy eyes and you can't help but pay her attention. Coco is pretty cool dog too. Fo' Serious. I have to be the bad guy, because Blondie is a big ole mushy heart and hates to hear her baby whimper or be uncomfortable in any way. I hate it too, but we gotta do what's best for Coco and not best for us, even if we gotta suck it up and let her be poochie faced with the cone of shame on her head and confined to the crate fro 2 to 4 wee
  17. I can offer up this. For installation look to Pro Atlas. They have been doing this since 1989, they know what they are doing. As the dealers very rarely do the install, Pro Atlas is usually who the dealer calls to do the installation. They also sell pools. I'm not sure of their pricing but I know they are good. They do it all, sell the pools, install them, build the deck, run the electric, etc, so they are a one stop shop. http://www.proatlasinc.com/
  18. Twernt sayin nuttin against you or an above ground. I have no problem with them. I's jes' gettin that idea outta Blondie's head.
  19. OW!! I would have beat our cabinet guy if he came back with that kind of price!
  20. Not EVEN considering above ground. Maybe fiberglass if we can find the right one. Really want the "cement" pond. Each has their drawbacks. Yes I have been talking to my sister and Mel.
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