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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. I'll hang tough for a few hours. That kind of thing shown in your link and I end up not liking one another in the end.
  2. Power is out in Yorkville.
  3. Ran some errands today and the traffic was nuts! Tis the season huh?
  4. I agree 100%. They agree with it because it leans in the same direction as their politics. Politics is interesting to follow but it's not the meaning of life. Some act like it is.
  5. On a well here. If someone came here with that intro., calling 911 is a given.
  6. The universe has smiled on you. Go to Optimist eat shellfish and have a great time. Happy birthday!
  7. The Vortex has just about the best burger I've ever eaten. The optimist is really, really good also especially seafood.
  8. Optimist buts it's a short drive away. Very excellent food and drink. Have a nice day.
  9. No. If you were insulted that was your right. What was not your right was to take a situation off the board and try and make trouble for a person in real life. Try and pay attention GD. ETA, no reason to respond to this post GD. I'm over it just as I am sure you are over it as well. Besides you bore me to tears
  10. I agree Jane. In fact, that latest stunt with the C of C memo is just a perfect example of the childish behavior. Whitey, you think you have waited long enough for the case to be heard? Lean on the attorneys that represent your interests instead of the chairman. You may enjoy better results. BTW, you are assuming support for the chairman instead of dissatisfaction with how the anti folks are acting.
  11. Sarasota, Florida and British Columbia. It's the food. BC is awesome pretty much across the board but it's a pain to get to. Sarasota is easier and is my hands down favorite for east coast favorite. Beaches, great restaurants, friendly, fun loving people. i always look forward to visits.
  12. I wish I could. Maybe a pit mix rescue can help. I'm thinking that many people would have just ignored them so your measure as a human being has grown. Thank you for caring.
  13. You funny. Newt? Rush? Many, many more. http://zplonk.tripod.com/cheating_republicans.html
  14. It's in a whole lot better shape than it was. I get it GD, until your guy (party) is in the White House everything is to be projected as gloom and doom and anyone who says otherwise is an idiot and is to be attacked by you and your band of merry men. Have a good evening.
  15. What's this? Record year for US auto sales? Couldn't be!!! http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-autos-idUSKCN0SS1I020151104
  16. You guys are just ridiculous! Thanks for the laughs!
  17. You're just mad because I live on acreage and don't have to pick up poop like you folks who live in subdivisions do.
  18. Oh, OK. Here is an insult, you [removed insult[really are a idiot] and you are not fooling anyone with your diversionary tactics. Now you can carry on about how you were insulted and act all butt hurt. There's no reason to have a decent discussion here anyway.
  19. It was not meant as a insult, it was meant as instruction.
  20. This the same meme we have been hearing for years and it has gotten us nowhere except further divided. Instead of saying NO why not say we can discuss the issue and see what we come up with.
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