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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. I'm amazed Guard Dad hasn't chimed in on this thread. Oh wait! Wasn't this tax policy the one he was constantly braying about? All the while telling anyone who disagreed with him that they were just too "stupid" to understand? Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think I am.
  2. Your truth is wrong. But we will see that reality when the state of Kansas begs for a federal bailout, then we all get to pay for the republicans being wrong, again.
  3. Because if you are, you are not being truthful. http://www.kansascity.com/news/politics-government/article63347152.html
  4. Are you saying that education isn't being cut?
  5. It's also cutting education and services to the bone. http://www.cbpp.org/research/lessons-for-other-states-from-kansas-massive-tax-cuts
  6. Read this article along with the comments and then justify how well this working. If it's working at all it's only helping the very rich and everyone else is being bled dry. http://cjonline.com/news/2016-04-01/kansas-tax-revenue-nearly-85-million-short-march-estimate# This is the America you want? SMH
  7. I wonder if the state of Kansas has to implode onto itself before these tea party zealots will admit it's not working.
  8. So now I guess we will see the delay, delay, delay tactics by the anti folks.
  9. I'm sorry for you and your families loss Laurie. You are in my thoughts.
  10. They won't just leave him be through. You know as well as I do, there will be someone that will take the opportunity to get their picture and story published. You know, cause they will be a 15 minute superstar.
  11. Then, they will sue because the authorities knew about the danger. I wish they would just relocate him.
  12. Restaurants have tried but found it too hard to operate out here. I guess they did anyway cause they didn't last long.
  13. How does a 3 year old get their hands on a loaded gun? Yet another case of irresponsible gun ownership. Heartbreaking.
  14. I'm amazed that people actually think that people would not have an opinion on another member here that had over 10,000 posts. Really?
  15. The whole point of music is for people to enjoy, as far as I'm concerned anyway. Everyone has their favorites. I loved Merle Haggard (favorite memory of mine is one of the most romantic songs ever written imo) I loved Michael Jackson (I think he was a God given special talent) I love Sting, Bruno Mars and The Eagles as well. Different strokes and all that. Everyone has their favorites. I think that is what makes music well...........music.
  16. Just to clarify, she has a Bachelors in outdoor recreation.
  17. If you say there are puppies, I'll take your word for it. All I saw was very well done beefcake! LOL
  18. I thought she was also a meteorologist with a degree. I seem to remember her posting that.
  19. The premixed food is red so I guess that's true. Also, I've seen lots of red feeders.
  20. Lots and lots of chiggers, if not now they will be along shortly. Chiggers.......:shiver:
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