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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. The mentality of rape culture starts way before they get in front of a judge.
  2. Yes, and it's been real for a very long time.
  3. Ive never had to do it either. Maybe just go to their page and perhaps they walk you through it. Maybe someone here can give you a heads up. You be sure to let me know how it goes. What is the cost? Heck, maybe Pubby would let you do it here. Not sure about that, but maybe.
  4. TP, why don't you start a go FUND me page for them? Good luck.
  5. He is doing no different than just about every other candidate. It should also be noted that none of the "big" money people wanted to be associated with Trump. I.E. Koch
  6. I agree, but then again, lots of people just talk cheese.
  7. The Washington Post nor the Bloomberg articles say anything of the sort. The 3rd link is one of your trademark bs links.
  8. Please post some information to back up this information, other than that breibart article. I have searched and came up with nada, except for that breibart article.
  9. rockysmom


    Another reason for me to love Meryl!
  10. Here's another take on the story. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/04/25/us/politics/bill-clinton-ends-role-with-laureate-chain-of-for-profit-colleges.html?_r=0
  11. Wow. Maybe you should contact the creator of this website, I'm sure he would really appreciate it. http://www.thewildclassroom.com/biomes/speciesprofile/deciduousforest.html
  12. No surprise but Hillary has won. http://time.com/4357448/hillary-clinton-clinches-democratic-nomination/
  13. Substantiate? What? That Trump is a liar? LOL Just one of the many lies, http://www.politifact.com/florida/article/2016/mar/07/did-donald-trump-inherit-100-million/ I've posted my sentiments, please refrain from further brow beating.
  14. rockysmom


    A very well preserved man I might add.
  15. With all due respect for the 700 books you read in a month Mrs. Howard, I'm tired of debating Trumps ability to lie. I do believe it's a understood fact and if you believe what he says than you are the one with their head in the sand. He isn't a politician, he's a entertainment conglomerate.
  16. A great deal of politicians come from wealthy parents. However Trump lies to build himself up as a self made man, He's far from that in my book.
  17. This country is based and supported by the separation of church and state. You have a problem with that, here is a suggestion, move to the Middle East. That concept is well received there.
  18. The religious right is exactly what got us all in this mess.
  19. I have a friend who left for the beach last Thursday, so I guess she is in the same boat as you. EXCEPT she has young kids with her.......so see...it could always be worse. Personally, I love the beach in the rain. For a day......
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