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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. It's not bloody, it's a great movie and LR is right they could not have picked a better cast.
  2. Oh poor liddle baby gurl. Here's puppy to lick your tears away.
  3. That's OK hun, I already have one. Want to see it?
  4. Bite me. We will see who uses the cute brown licking puppy more.
  5. You guys are picking on me!
  6. You got it. Now, we are being very rude for hijacking this thread aren't we?
  7. Yeah yeah yeah......bowling alley, Monday, 7 O'clock woman!
  8. I ain't ascared of you.
  9. LPPT recommended this store to me and a few gal pals so we went and boy was I surprised! They have some very cool stuff, ya know, things that you don't see coming and going. Go by for a visit and I bet you will be pleasantly surprised too! Besides the women that work in the store are very nice.
  10. Oh, I am sooooo stealing that licking puppy.
  11. Now THAT was just rude.
  12. I'll run interference for ya Mill Creek.
  13. I hope she gets better sooner than later. Good luck and let us know how she is doing.
  14. Congrats AJ....she is just beautiful!
  15. We have to come up with a design that would allow me to use nails instead of pins.
  16. Liz honey, how many times do I have to tell you that it's not always about you darling?
  17. I'm up to 5 myself. 3 people I used to work with and 2 "friends"
  18. Well, what are you waiting on? That's a GREAT idea!
  19. I don't see why not. But then again, with your caustic southerner reputation, I think 267 voodoo dolls would be rather time consuming.
  20. LOL Solo. Oh boy.....I hope she doesn't see this till tonight.
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