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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. Oh no Papi. How many times have I read on p.com that parents have very little to do with the fact that their kid is a bad seed? Truth be told, the family has suffered enough. Think about it. It can't be a walk in the park.
  2. See there is no need for a club to club tea party members....they club themselves to death. On a daily basis. There was a mass clubbing of them last November.
  3. Do you think his parents or any of his family deserves to watch him die ON TELEVISION? I believe in the death penalty but to watch it at 6? No. There are many people in his family, friends, etc that had nothing to do with his actions. But yet, somehow it would be OK that he be put to death on TV? Really?
  4. Yes. Oh, and bite me.
  5. Thanks Slick, but haven't you heard? It's too dismal out there for any fun, so there will be no game playing.
  6. Hey Mr. Dis, thanks for the good wishes. The point I was making is that most of the old Irish, German, Italian, etc. are gone replaced by people who don't appear to want to become American, but rather, create pockets of culture from the old country. I wonder what the end result will be. Of course NY has always been a melting pot but the times have changed. Instead of seeing old glory in their windows, you see their counties flag. You never used to see that. The Russian thugs have become a real problem.
  7. It was a great trip. I miss my family but it's great to see my nieces and nephews becoming parents themselves. Had a rent a car and of the many observations about how New Yorkers drive, two stick in my mind. They ride your bumper and AS SOON AS THE LIGHT TURNS GREEN you better go or else you will get honked at 4 cars deep. The old German, Italian, Irish neighborhoods are now occupied by Indian, Pakistan and Russian families. Except Broad Channel, the people make sure only their own live there. And they really don't care who knows it either. They are pretty loud and proud of it.
  8. Went to New York to visit with family for a week. You will be glad to know New York is still somewhat in recovery mode after Sandy. Went to Rockaway and the beachfront is devastated. Boardwalk and any houses are gone or in the process of being gone. Just wanted to say hey to my fellow p.comers. You think you got it rough? Trust me, after seeing the destruction up there, you and I, got it good. New Park Pizza.........yummmmmm.
  9. We got it for free, long story. The throne is nice and warm.
  10. That's great. She looked sweet. Glad for the happy ending.
  11. Whoever promoted and/or managed her career is a hype genius. Listen to her songs. She's no vocal powerhouse. Also, she's tall but that's about it. How in the world did she attain the fame she has? Oh wait, I know, young girls. She's just the female Davy Jones of the day huh?
  12. Cool beans.....best of luck with your new pup.
  13. Whatever made you think it was a free refill? I've never seen fruit juice, milk, chocolate milk with a free refill.
  14. Good grief........those are hedious. :rofl:
  15. I've noticed that too. Makes them look bad. Makes them look like chauvinists. Bad form.
  16. Holy crap! Someone actually made Dana mad! I really didn't think that could happen!
  17. Yeah, but you charge $240.00 an hour right? Actually, Papi...sorry, it's none of my beeswax.
  18. Not to cause a ruckus but I read an article that stated the number one cost for small business was insurance.
  19. Did it have anything to do with a sentiment on the back of a company pick up? Just curious.
  20. Oh honey, they could care less about your soul. They want your money and any self respect you may have. But, they will make it fun for you. Right?
  21. Yeah but it's only a virtual request so it really doesn't count. Wanna meet downtown? A little afternoon delight?
  22. I cant imagine someone asking me to smell their earring holes....... :blink: Or their belly button :blink: but it's a funny visual! :rofl:
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