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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. Glad you found a car and that you feel like you were treated fairly, that is so much better then feeling you were taken huh?
  2. Neighbors and their dogs....... There is a rental slum by my barn. The last low life's that lived there had Pitts and Pitt mixes. I had to quit bringing my dogs to the barn with me because their dogs were allowed to run free. I asked the girl slut if I was expected to get in the middle of a fight between an unaltered German Shepard and an unaltered Pitt? She said no, went back into her slum and never did a thing about keeping her dogs up. I tried to be nice....really I did, gave her flea medicine because one of her dogs had chewed its back end up. He was a sweet dog, Pitts are ju
  3. Thank you Low for your efforts in keeping all of us informed. You've made it very easy for us to follow Tripps progress. "Helps me believe that everything will really be OK.". That is truly heartbreaking. I swear between Newtown and this little boy I've cried more in the past few months than I have in a very, very long time. We think we have problems?
  4. Where did you get the information pertaining to their decision being in the bill? I read several articles and I did not find any language that addresses that bars, churches, college campuses (sic) as well as airports would have the right to either allow or disallow. The people would just have the right to carry. Now, I'm thinking that as private property, the owners would have the right to ban weapons, but I did not see that addressed in the articles I read.
  5. K. So you don't see a problem mixing people drinking and guns. Is that right?
  6. Let me get this straight, you support this?
  7. I'm not clear why anyone would WANT to carry a gun in a bar.
  8. Yawn. Yet another thread that's turned into a let's bully the postman thread.
  9. Not to worry DallasRED, it isn't going to happen. It was a joke anyway.
  10. Then you pick the date.
  11. 3/29/13. It's a Friday night. That works for me. Let's make it early, like 6:30.
  12. OK. Who are your invites and we will split the PM's between us. Does that work for you?
  13. Not sure how to go about doing this. PM's? Maybe we can do a temp. check and see what the response within the thread is?
  14. Surprisingly, they have other things on the menu. Wouldn't that be a kick? For these folks to go to dinner together? I bet it would be haralious. No. Blue Ridge or nothing.
  15. Zoo, this is to confirm the inclusion of Sport Source and her, I'm sure fabulous husband. K Doll?
  16. I would love to. Just let me know. Let's see, who would be on the invite list? My choices: Freelip and his, I'm sure, fabulous wife Papi and his fabulous wife Blondie Stradial and his, I'm sure, fabulous wife Gone from here cause I like the hell out of him and , I've never met either of them but I'm sure he has a fabulous wife Surepip and his wife, who I know is beyond Fabulous, Melissa Pubby and his fabulous wife Mom of three, I know she and her husband are equally fabulous. I know I'm forgetting a bunch. Hummmmm....who are your choices? :) Hey Smuck, yo
  17. Have a fabulous night with your husband....you know, a special treat and bring him to Blue Ridge. Make arrangements for a car because the cocktails are very tasty. Wouldn't that be nice? Blue Ridge is not crazy expensive. Just cozy, warm and the food is great.
  18. I'm glad you enjoyed your meal Zoo. Every once in a while, as a treat, the good things in life make your life whole.
  19. My friend is in her early 40's. Strong, active, thin........she almost died. I won't ever forget when her husband called me to let me know what was going on.....seriously, I won't ever forget that phone call.
  20. I saw the report on the evening news and you are right, it is really scary! It never said how it came about through. Agood friend of mine had a cold, went to the doctor, he determined that she was dehydrated so he put her in the hospital to get fluids in her, three days later she was in a drug induced coma, next day, she was on life support. True story. Thank God she's fine now but she is convinced she picked something up while in the hospital. The worst place to get well is the hospital.
  21. It's not for everyone but it really is delicious! Blue Ridge Grill does it just right. Yum.
  22. Carpaccio? I order it every time I see it on the menu. This is what it is: super thinly sliced, very, very good beef, very, very rare with capers, olive oil, and I'm not sure what else. I like beef rare so I love it. It's delicious! IF you like rare/raw beef.
  23. I wasn't talking about you Doll. I'm just tired of the attack.....really.
  24. You guys! What is up with the attack Zoo all the time? I wish you guys would lay off. I mean, just about every thread has a baiting comment directed towards Zoo. Leave her alone already!
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