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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. Not for nothing and I'm not an employee of any animal care facility but it just does not make sense that a shelter dog would be brought to an outside vet for an eye issue. Ever. Never mind it doesn't make sense that BOTH dogs were taken. That just does not jive with my reasoning. Then I ask myself why did Dr. Luger take responsibility for the death of these two dogs? There's more to this for sure. Too many questions.
  2. I'm sorry, but I'm not sure that I agree with you about Dr. Luger.
  3. Wow. Wonder how Dr. Luger will take this news.
  4. Here you go doll. I haven't tried it so let us know how it comes out. http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/food-network-specials/peach-cobbler-recipe/index.html
  5. Of course you have the ability and the freedom to make statements like that. If you really want people to take notice, it would be better to back it up with documentation. Of course, just my two cents. It's the 4th of July and I am in patriotism mode right now.
  6. Every party has its pooper that why .........
  7. Thanks Doll, this is how we'll have them next time..
  8. The Macy's firework show is breath taking! WOW!
  9. Yup. Me either. I think it's our problem cause of the "Mac thang"
  10. Hey! Wait one second. That guy in the picture lives out here! I recognize him from being at Phat Phil's!
  11. I love brats too. Juicy, snappy, hot......slaw on top with a fluffy toasted bun...yeah that works. I'd love the recipe.
  12. Brats, tots, corn and slaw. Lots of starch!
  13. Cherry and beefsteak maters, bell peppers, jalapeño peppers, parsley, basil, sage, oregano, chives and thyme. Maters and peppers are in pots. That's my garden this year.
  14. I think they have every right to open a business just like you have every right not to give them your business.
  15. Thanks for the update Low...that's great news! Some people have so much hate it their hearts huh? I'm just glad I don't live in their world. Once it becomes apparent that they a hate bone to pick, I just tune them out.
  16. Trust me, I could keep you busy for a couple of hours with my personal experiences with vets. This is the deal, the idea of a country vet is long gone. Take a look around, most vet practices now have at least 2-3 vets on staff, are in big expensive buildings and carry a big overhead. That is just the practical reality of it. I wish there was a country vet available for routine stuff period. If specialized care was needed for any of my critters, I would just carry them to the emergency vet in Marietta. We are lucky that this outstanding facility is fairly close to us.
  17. These are excellent points. I wonder if Dr. Luger was willing to take the heat for a good customer?
  18. This ^^^^^^ Dr. Lunar has served her community for many, many years and many people think the world of her. She made a mistake and her practice will pay dearly for it. Is there an excuse? No. It was a horrible mistake. I hope she comes through the other side of this in one piece. I don't bring my dogs to her practice but I've heard many, many people give her kudos over the years. Sad. Really sad.
  19. :lol: Don't tell Blondie, but I heard there was a duck involved as well.
  20. I'm a member! Just let me know if I can help. The food rocks!
  21. He does wranglers and a white dress shirt like NO other! Throw in the cowboy hat and Doll, I'm gone!
  22. Having traveled like he is doing....he will be forever changed. His world has opened up X10. I'm very sure you are as proud as can be!
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