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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. K, Hun, you are officially a FREAK!
  2. To the OP, hope you get the problem resolved....whatever company you decide to use!
  3. Starr, you would argue with a tree.....so long as its name is Rockysmom. It's all good.
  4. Perhaps, but In the meantime I sure would like to know there is someone looking to get this kid off the streets.
  5. I guess it's all about personal experiences and my personal experience is that Ragsdale has serviced this house for the past 15+ years (even before we were here) and always know what they are doing and how to go about doing it.
  6. Here, I'll make it easy for you. Ragsdale 770-443-1821
  7. Last time I was there, very, very little inventory. I don't know why they keep it opened.
  8. Is there any kind of action being taken to get this kid and get him some help?
  9. I was at a team penning competition one time and one of the calfs died right there in the arena. Well, being that we were on private land in the middle of nowhere, they just pulled out the front loader and dressed it right there on the outside of the arena. Several folks were calling dibs on the heart. One of the people calling dibs was a friend, she told me that it was really, really good meat and she wanted it! See, to me.......there's way too many other things to eat.
  10. Thanks for the reminder. My mother had to make several blood based foods for my father. Just a fabulous cooking smell. She would go to the slaughter house with a big thermos. If it got cold, it was considered spoiled. At least, that's what I was told. I will never forget that smell.
  11. Any "head" organ, eyes, brains, etc. oh and foie gras, had it once outside of Paris and no joke it tasted like what I would imagine poo would taste like. I hear when it's bad....it's really bad so I guess I got the really bad. I was surprised that I disliked it so much cause I love liver. I'm not a picky eater, my mother was a big fan of good food so our diets were very balanced.
  12. When this place was Dudes, we went at least twice a month. Then when it was Wallace's, I would go for lunch a few times a month. This area appears unable to support a "good" restaurant and that's a shame. I won't try this new place.
  13. Go to trip advisor. Hotel and restaurant recommendations, I use them all the time. Have a good time!
  14. Ha Ha, me too, according to GD anyway. I didn't mean that the entire blame should be put on the way his was brought up but I do think it's part of the puzzle that is Charlie Sheen. When he is sane he seems to be very generous, even to complete strangers. He also appears to be an involved parent and concerned with how his kids are being raised. At the end of the day, I guess Charlie is good looking, really funny, generous and evidently has a lucky star and a guardian angel looking after him. Oh, and being very charming and very self critical helps.
  15. Not your cup of tea huh? That's cool.
  16. That's a perfect way to put it.
  17. My take is.....complicated. Very, very complicated. Privileged? No question, privileged from birth. He had an interview with Katie Couric today and came off as being very sincere, to me anyway. Is this a case where privilege is a curse? Not to place blame but, he must not have been taught character traits, like self control, as a kid. What are your thoughts?
  18. Are you boring or more sane? At this point I'm leaning towards more sane. I FINALLY got past 169! Yah me!
  19. No one is questioning your expertise so you can calm down and quit being so nasty.
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