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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. I must have misunderstood, I thought that NJ was saying that Herman Cain was currently suffering from cancer and his hospital was rejecting Obamacare. Turns out, his bout with cancer was in 2011, long before Obamacare. Also, I was curious when she indicated that MD Anderson was rejecting Obamacare. Here is a list of insurance companies that they accept. http://www.mdanderson.org/patient-and-cancer-information/guide-to-md-anderson/insurance-and-billing/insurance-plans.html So, I guess none of these companies are working with Obamacare huh?
  2. Huh? http://www.forbes.com/sites/davidwhelan/2011/09/22/fact-checking-herman-cain-who-says-he-would-be-dead-under-obamacare/
  3. I remember you saying this in an earlier post so I went to Jones Mill and I couldn't see the airport from any side street going as far as I could go in that subdivision. Maybe you can confirm what street you have to be on in order to see the airport.
  4. Take 278 towards Rockmart, make left at 120 towards Tallapoosa, stay on 120 and you will come to the 27 intersection, make left. It will be on your left. Maybe someone has the name (west ga flea market?) so you can google.
  5. I think I know what you're talking about. There is a flea market on 27 that is open on Sats. they might have something that will work. A dining room chair maybe?
  6. There ya go Jane. Yes, I'm bored. The weather today made me run in and out of the house real quick like!
  7. Gee, you guys (with the exception of Blondie) are no fun at all.
  8. OK......here comes my Southern. Dag gum, that a wind outside is blowing out my windows! What do you think? Feel free to add your own.
  9. I'm sure you won't like this answer but after having to establish a lawn with our first house, this is what I have to offer. Get a pro in there to sod the area. You should know sometimes THAT doesn't even work. Good luck.
  10. Yes, we can say that. I'll tell you what through, not having heat is a REAL drag. I hate being cold and we didn't have any propane for a week so we had no heat.
  11. Got any articles that state facts instead of opinions? I know you like to post Forbes OPINION pieces because I guess that you think that the Forbes name lends some creditably to your position. However, as I've say before ANYONE can be a contributer for Forbes. They are opinion articles, not articles of fact.
  12. ......as well as the blush in your cheeks.
  13. Yup, they are good. I used to make these over campfires when I used to trail ride. They are very, very tasty.
  14. Thanks everyone. We are having burgers with Stilton sauce. I am afraid to use the stronger herbs....I'm afraid it will fight with the sauce. Guess I'll just roast diced potatoes with olive oil, salt and pepper. Boring, I know. I'll be trying a few of these suggestions.
  15. Stilton cheese. We went to Roswell for dinner last night and I bought some. Thought it would rock on a burger.
  16. I don't have the baby reds for the hot crushed potatoes but I will be making them soon. They have got to be great!
  17. What's your favorite way to cut and season the potatoes? I want to try something different and I like home recipes so please share. TIA
  18. I disagree NJ. I think the ones that really pulled out, pulled out because they wanted no part of any regulation on the money they charged or the coverage they provided. I've always thought of the law as steps towards regulation and if we regulate our food, we should most certainly regulate our health insurance.
  19. I could not agree more Tess. I was full of hope for a TJ Max.....but nooooooo.
  20. Gone girl. Trust me, you will not be able to put it down.
  21. Sorry, don't have have time for your dog chasing it's tail routine today. Have a good one.......maybe you can find another patsy.
  22. If you read the article I had previously posted, you would know where the money would come from. I am not spending the time to do a search. As you said, there are no free lunches, so look it up yourself.
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