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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. I'm glad you are good. Seemed you just dropped off the board and after your eyesight issue, I wanted to know that you are OK. Yours and mine favorite bone head has left the building so the drama has subsided a bit. Drop by every once in a while and let us know how you are doing, K?
  2. Thanks Jenilyn. Glad to know she's OK. Please let her know we miss her here.
  3. I don't do Facebook and I bet those that do can give me an update as to if everything is OK for her. I miss her.
  4. Where the heck is she? Seems like here one day and gone the next. Anyone have news if she's OK?
  5. I will go to Tanner in Villa Rica if I need medical well before I go to Paulding. I've been there and they took very, very good care of my bout with diverticulitis. Seriously, they took care of it and I was very, very happy with the care. I'll tell you what....that "stuff" hurts!
  6. I'm thinking that the defination of smarts is this: If you were to be dropped anywhere in this country would you be able to keep your "stuff" together?
  7. Oh, just walk away from an expensive investment? Yes, there will need to be additional investment. Brilliant!
  8. Seems to me that these folks are looking to pile on the lawsuits that the county has to spend to defend themselves. All the while screaming about the county and how it spends the taxpayer money. Makes perfect sense.
  9. Well folks, there is a brighter side! NJ is happy with her representative! What did I mean? Judging from most of the posts made on this site concerning county politics, most of the people think their representatives are crooks and liars. And that's being nice.
  10. Let me ask you this, per the posts concerning Pauldings hospitals if you can't even get a decent employee here, how do you expect to get a decent county representative?
  11. Education envy.......wonder if it's the same thing as wealth envy.
  12. I just got back from Destin and now am busy planning a trip for two of my grand nephews to come down for a visit in July. So, to answer your question, I'm resting up! Enjoy your holiday and be safe everyone!
  13. I would rethink that LPPT. Mothballs are toxic so please keep it away from your plants to be used for food. http://www.silentmenace.com/Moth_Balls.html
  14. Last I heard about the Catfish Den was that it was still a restaurant. Is there a bakery there now? I'm confused evidently.
  15. You didn't know? If you are FROM ANYWHERE ELSE you are a fureinar. Silly boy.
  16. Last I heard they are saying it was taken by a UFO. Seriously.
  17. Seriously, I wonder if these folks will go running to the county when they get screwed. And they will get screwed. If there is money to be made, you can bet your bottom dollar, they will get screwed.
  18. If you don't know anything about Propeller, how do you classify them as a foreign corporation? Is the next sound bite that they are terrorists who will be using their planes as bombs? You say we are playing right into their hands. You have just got to kidding me about who is playing into whose hands.
  19. Oh no....not the basement! If it's any comfort, I bet Stradial will share his cookies with you.
  20. Well, my way of thinking is that the county will be out lawyered if they allow THE FIRM to take the lead on this latest issue. So.......guess what? Say hello to Holland and Knight huh?
  21. They are EXTREAMLY well thought of. I looked them up. They are big with many accomplishments under their belt.
  22. I never said that it wasn't. I asked how a couple of Paulding citizens are footing the bill for those BIG legal fees. Nevermind the cost of local counsel as well.
  23. That you clearly don't understand the fees paid to a blue chip law firm. Someone has deep pockets.
  24. I'm confused. Sidley & Austin are representing a few Paulding County citizens correct? Sidley and Austin are the big boys. Just how is anyone supposed to believe that these few citizens are footing the bill for a blue chip law firm? Edited
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