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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. I never get invited anywhere. :insertcraycrayface:
  2. Stradial? Were you naked around GD? Do we need to be concerned? Is the video of you diving naked in a pool worth any $$$?
  3. I'll pay money to see you in the pink tutu.
  4. Oh no.....trust me, I didn't even post what I wanted to.
  5. I'm not a cheerleader per se. I just know right from wrong. I choose to support this site because I use this site, I believe that is the right thing to do.
  6. Baloney sandwich. Rye bread, mayo, baloney and lettuce. I'm taking a break from rich food today.
  7. None of the above. I've visited the Pcom office enough to realize what the deal is.
  8. You may be surprised to hear it very well may be out of the goodness of his heart cause that "decent little extra monthly income" certainly isn't making him "extra" money.
  9. Heck, I'm just glad the site is back up. Thanks Pubby. I'm sure you've been to hell and back and then made a return trip.
  10. If I misunderstood the business plan requirement, I apologize. It just that it is required item in the list, for review,on every list of requirements set out so that people have a comfort level. That's the first part, the second part is what citizen would review it?
  11. A number of folks have asked for the business plan for their review. I assumed they would want approval of the plan or why else would they want it? Anyway, that didn't answer my question.
  12. How do parents motivate their children? Maybe their world is too small to dream and achieve.
  13. I have a question. This question has been in my head since day one of the airport discussion. Why do you think that a business plan is required for approval by the citizens? I ask myself this question because this is just not how business is done. Why would a private entity be subject to the delivery of a business plan to be approved by the citizens?
  14. Perhaps. But it appears that Sam Nunn raised a very fine daughter. I wish her the best in this election.
  15. Sorry, evidently that went right over your head.
  16. Yup. Guess Purdue is the closest tea party candidate huh?
  17. I heard an opinion on TV this morning about thank goodness TLC had the good sense to cancel this embarrassment. They also have a full season filmed already that will just be trashed, for the time being anyway. Those of you who still want to keep up on this low rent pos will have a chance. http://features.aol.com/video/mama-june-reacts-tlcs-cancellation-honey-boo-boo?utm_source=explorer.sheknows.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=ske_544d5eb70d2f376215000004
  18. The last meal I ate at Phat Phil's was just really, really bad for you foods. I wondered if it was really gonna be my last supper.
  19. Had a friend move to Cartersville, he and his son moved because of the gangs and drugs. He said life was too short.
  20. I've got two bags of woman's clothes ready to go to St Vincent's. What size is she?
  21. The internet is full of taped crazy people doing their craziness. I don't see where or how this is a political stance to be taken seriously.
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