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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. I don't like brutality and it can be very brutal.
  2. I'm not surprised. As far as I know, budget cuts have pretty much cut Nasa to the operational bone.
  3. I feel for you guys, I really do. It was the worst time in my life and I wondered if I would ever feel "good" again. OK, I'll spill the beans. I got on bio identicals. I had to go to an anti aging doctor because they are more open to the idea that not every single person on the face of the earth should fall into the same exact levels. This is not blood pressure, this has more to do with the individual's body chemistry and therefor the medicine prescribed is customized.......for you. My thyroid medicine is prepared by a compound pharmacy and amino acids are the main ingredient. Not synro
  4. You went for a thyroid level test right? I'll be amazed if it comes back with anything other that you are within the recognized levels. See that's the deal with this test. They really don't focus on individual "good" levels. I chased my tail with this issue for four years. PM if you want me to tell you how I got out of the hell that is getting no help from the doctors who are supposedly the best equipped to help you. Best of luck.
  5. Samsung French door with the freezer on the bottom. We love it! Everything is visible so keeping the science experiments in the back are no more. It has two produce drawers and a slide out deli drawer. Oh, it also has theater lighting which doesn't really matter to me but is pretty cool. You do have to open both doors to slide out the deli drawer and both doors have to be closed for the ice dispenser to work.
  6. Guess that depends if him or his cronies have any holdings in Paulding County.
  7. My two cents is that your spirit and your energy go to another realm. I believe that the entrance to that realm is glorious. I believe you go to a place that no anger, judgement or resentment is present. I also very firmly think you never lose those you love. They are such a part of you that you can't lose them. You just can't see their shell anymore but their spirit still lives in you.
  8. Maybe he's not mobile as to Internet.
  9. No desire to see a lion take an antelope down and proceed to eat it.
  10. I've heard the same thing. But what I heard is an advantage is being self sufficient.
  11. I voted last Friday and I just got another call from the Republican Party. So no, it didn't stop them for me. ETA, Just got another one from Howard Maxwell.
  12. A stick in the eye with a sharp stick.
  13. That is going to be a special treat just for me. Thanks.
  14. The first I heard about this is when Pubby posted the picture. A little notice would work. I'm sure that impacted the turnout.
  15. I really hope there's more to do there than golf.
  16. Anyone have any must do's in the area? Thanks guys!
  17. K. Thanks for not making me look it up.
  18. What's the first? Goldens? GS dogs?
  19. I don't think it's the same story cause his wife and his mother in law were sitting at the breakfast table with him when he shot the dog. He was one of a kind.
  20. From what I read about this since I posted it appears that the heat cycle for females don't work for training purposes. Evidently, that's really, really when they become bitches. I've also heard that unaltered makes are difficult sometimes because their instinct is to breed so, like some human males, sometimes they just lose their minds. To me, I have an unaltered male GS dog but I keep an eye out so he doesn't wander. Unaltered males will wander so no, no, no........
  21. An old biker friend married a girl whose mother had a poodle, true story.......... This dog would bark, bark, bark at John all the time, it really, really annoyed him because he loved dogs. Well, about 3-4 years into the marriage with the dog barking at him, finally, on a Sunday morning, at his Mil breakfast table, the dog was barkin, he pulled his gun out and shot that dog across the room......a couple of times. He dead now but let me tell you, he howled about it to everyone.
  22. I understand. Unfortunately, I have a Golden Retriever that is a very difficult, but oh so cute, to deal with as well. He's our third GR but is honestly nothing like a Golden. Turns out, he was conceived in a Petrie dish. Unethical vet? I love him anyway, he's my little buddy. Nothing is to be done about it at this point.
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