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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. So now you're a genius for figuring out that media lies? Think this has been confirmed already and many of the lies are from Fox News.
  2. Do you realize how many sites confirm that Fox News lies? Do you even bother to research opposing views? Here's just one more site, there's so many of them......... http://americablog.com/2014/07/punditfact-fox-news-wins-battle-false-cable-network.html
  3. I can't believe it either DR. Fox promotes themselves as the most trusted news source. Yeah, they lied about too. http://mediamatters.org/blog/2011/06/20/fox-lies-about-polling-to-claim-it-is-most-trus/180723
  4. Thanks for that info. I haven't heard anything about this. Of course, I don't live in Hiram either but I do shop and eat there.
  5. Yes. Of course. I've been to Alaska several times and you are right about the bugs. But I think they have window screens in Alaska.
  6. K....hold up, you mean you would have to "suit up" to go outside?
  7. This article indicates that 17% of people think it's a "fair and balanced" news source while 83% think otherwise. Used to be that when reporters were found out to lie, they hung their heads in shame. Not anymore. http://au.ibtimes.com/articles/551685/20140508/fox-news-bad-reputation-benghazi.htm#.VHnqzEc8KrU
  8. Snuck in? Unless he as 16 foot ceilings, I do believe I would notice a bat flying into my house. Nevermind getting into my spice cabinet. If I reached into my spice cabinet for cumin and I saw a bat instead looking into my eyes, I do believe I'd drop dead.
  9. Good God! How did it get in your house to begin with?Good job BTW.
  10. To the OP, let me know if you need a ratter for a few hours.
  11. No way! A bat in the pantry? I've heard of a bat in the belfry before......... No clue on how to remove the bat and I'm pretty sure I just really don't want to know. Sorry but that's just weird.
  12. A picture from the 50's would not show the tail because it's just not proper.
  13. I love the fact that your grandma tried to make it special for you any any other kids that were there. I love it because she tried to make it memory for you guys. It takes love to do that. How cool that you have a warm, giving love in your life.
  14. Is your arm tired from stirring the pot yet? Really.
  15. He works hard for his money and does a great job. Really. Bet you will have the Rodney man for life. I know we will.
  16. Girlfriend, trust me when I tell you this. There is one, only one pressure washer that we will ever allow on our property. His name is Rodney Ayers and here is his website http://ayersturbowash.com When I recommend, I only recommend people that have done an OUTSTANDING job. Rodney is your guy. Trust me.
  17. Heck, it's all good. Happy Thanksgiving (now that I've seen your picture) Slick.
  18. Thanks BB. I get in over my head sometimes but I do love to cook good food. Going to try orange-ginger-chile glazed carrots this year. I love the way it sounds and I hope it's good. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family BB. Happy Thanksgiving to all my p.com buddies!
  19. I agree. My husband is coming home now from picking up the $&@&$))$&@@ turkey breast from Whole Foods.
  20. Really. No joke. Went to Kroger today (61/278) and it was a really nice experience. Folks had a smile on their faces and everyone was joking about the chaos. Starting on the pie and cake tomorrow. It was a nice day.
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