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About bsbusker

  • Rank
    Paulding Com member
  • Birthday 11/11/1954
  1. I love that road! I teach a martial art class at Campbell HS and can make it there from my home in Dallas in under 30 minutes, even with the traffic that hits around the South Cobb Drive area. It probably gets a little worse past where I turn, but it sure makes it easier!
  2. Will be lifting you and your daddy in prayer.
  3. Give her a week. It will change again.
  4. Lifting her and her family in prayer.
  5. They did. I got a letter about it a month or so ago that they would be with another company.
  6. What a beautiful tribute to your mother. Very touching.
  7. I just love Dolly, too! I saw her in concert a few years back and the minute she walked, rather was raised onto the stage, I started crying and cried through the whole concert!
  8. Just got in from filling my feeders then came in and saw this! Birds will be happy at my house now.
  9. I made a good German dinner...actually had it in the Dutch oven before church this morning! I made goulash, spaetzel, red cabbage and some good dark whole grain rolls to go with it! I baked a chocolate cake for dessert.
  10. If you don't want to use a powder, both Sam's and Costco have Premier Protein shakes. They have 30gms of protein and only 1gm of sugar and they taste like chocolate milk. They are easy to just grab and go without worrying about mixing and you don't have to keep then refrigerated until open.
  11. Exactly the same as last year....one!
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