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Everything posted by GRAYCE

  1. Channel 2 reported he will step down and resign his seat.....I think alot more to come of this
  2. I heard she used a golf club to help get him out.....at 2:30 in the Morning where was he going, sounds like domestic battery.
  3. That's nice, mine helps me with many things other Husbands don't do. Lester seems like my husband anything to spend time with you
  4. My aunt bought the Luthern church on Hiram Sudie and are looking to rent out to a church or other already has a huge kitchen and bathrooms and other rooms that were used for Sunday School Classes. If you would like info pm me and I will give you her #. She helps at helping Hands all the time and would proberly entertain this, as she is a person who loves helping others.
  5. You were busy then, Quality family time makes it all worth it.
  6. everyone is making this sound like I may have to order one like I need it
  7. Went to MIL's and it was wonderful as always....we had left overs for Dinner tonight.
  8. will try to think of other places......Freds dollar store that closed...(location) is a plus I am sure.
  9. Me To, It was nice seeing and talking with you and Mr. Madea this week. Hope ya'll had a great Thanksgiving.
  10. Allday and Night? Alot of regulars are missing They are always here!
  11. exercise for me....lol My daughter put her tree up the 1st of october
  12. Are they willing to help out with the building of rooms...ect. The vacant save-rite at Brownsville and 92 or some in the Cadillac Parkway area. the old CVS at Ingles in Dallas or Hiram. I guess the question is how many are they wanting to house?
  13. Maybe turning lanes will help with all the accidents in that area.......Pray anyway!
  14. Took with my cell phone, turned out pretty good I thought. Took on Roaring Fork Rd. in Gatlinburg, Tn.
  15. A family member of ours had a stroke and could not speak,walk or write but she worked very hard and does them all now. prayers your way.
  16. Sent Pm and gonna head that way, Thanks
  17. What is wrong with P.com.......I thought someone would know how to get intouch with "Madea"
  18. If anyone knows how I can get intouch with her pm me please Thanks, Grayce
  19. Roast, Green Beams, squash, okra and taters
  20. My first time seeing the "OLD NEWS" so it was new to me.
  21. My prayers go out to the family, I have known them my entire life. What a wonderful person Diane was...............Rip.
  22. wow...that's great, i can't remember the last time PCHS won 2 in a row! Not being a smarty just shocked.
  23. Already cut...all you have to do is split the wood and load or put it on your truck/trailor and split later. It's dry seasoned wood. Many got some lasy year and if you want it just let us know! You can contact Kem at 404-787-4626 or pm me. I will check back on p.com later today. Thanks, Rhonda
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