Well I am sure that scores you points, to NOT remember her name .
I know you said screen name. So I guess that doesn't count.
But let's forget the whatever you found and talk about this test drive you have been on.
They are all doing just fine. They went straight in and hooked up with their friends. Got their tummies full, got water, layed a few eggs. And resting peacefully now. And thank you for taking the time to hook us all up.
Come on all you men. Do you want a forum all of your own?
On second thought you don't need one. We would never see you on here again. ya'll would all go hang out in the boys room and never talk to us again.
Weatherboy posted on here about a redneck Christmas parade. So after the parade we can go on the tour of redneck homes. Just make a all day thing of it.
Well I have never thought about it one way or the other. But I would never do it myself. And yeah I would think most people would want to draw someone with a buff"model" body.
And for myself I don't see it as art. However I am not a art type person. I am not into any kind of art. So what do I know.