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Everything posted by bluegrass

  1. Bill Clinton is 100% hetero with all male characteristics according to DANNEY WILLIAMS' mom... (Sorry I just had to mention that because it's banned material on CNN and someone has to report actual news stories) Meanwhile Mr Pcom DNC chair over here thinks Trump isn't fit to be president because he may be similar to females.
  2. So all the politicAl correct bullsh*t that's rubbed in our faces for all these years.. is ok to violate as long as it's done by them. Insinuating Trump has a female quality is an insult? Insinuating he's gay is an insult? What? So you're a misogynistic homophobe now. Care to make it a trifecta by comparing him to a minority???
  3. I'm pretty sure there will be record numbers of voters this year. And the polls will likely be a nightmare on election day. Save yourself the hassle and go vote early.
  4. I voted this morning. Very easy and efficient. Glad this is an option.
  5. I'm sure it was humor. The term racist has been misapplied and overused to the point that's a frequent punchline. I hear it almost every day.
  6. Me and my kids go ride the ghost train at Pine Mountain Gold Museum every year. It's only maybe ten minutes from SPHS.
  7. The site is running very slow and at times doesn't work at all. Just be persistent.
  8. The question is - How does it feel to be stalked, while you are trying to LIE?
  9. Thanks. Second time worked haha. Yep sounds like he's toast.
  10. Apparently there are calls for Douglas County Commission Chair to resign. The article gives scant details though. http://www.cbs46.com/story/33298370/douglas-co-commissioner-under-fire-after-alleged-racist-comments
  11. I didn't even address this particular situation. I'm looking at the big picture and the general climate I've been observing for some time.
  12. Trump won't start a war with Russia. He'll wisely improve relations with them. Obama is obviously trying to restart the cold war, and keep the Mideast situation as murky as possible. The actions of our state department have been bizarre for some time.
  13. I more than grasp it. I embrace it. It's a form of freedom. Where I have a problem is when elements within our government push certain forms of ideology and have a degree of control over what messages are aired. And the lines between our current administration, the DNC, political campaigns, and some news outlets are pretty blurred these days.
  14. So censorship is ok if the speaker's message doesn't follow the party line. Then that can be justified by slapping some labels on them. Got it. BTW I just saw a Snopes link posted. Snopes has lost all credibility and is nothing more than an arm of the Leftist propaganda at this point.
  15. It's only going to get worse if this regime continues in the form of Hillary.
  16. Nice try defending the terrorist that would happily kill your family. I love my family. I don't want these kinds of fanatics near them. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2016/09/26/mall-shooting-suspect-had-blog-with-picture-isis-leader.html
  17. What a gentleman. The world lost a great one today. http://pittsburgh.cbslocal.com/2016/09/25/report-arnold-palmer-dies-in-pittsburgh-at-87/
  18. Initial news reports suggested the shooter was Hispanic. Then all reference to his description was pretty much scrubbed. When I saw the surveillance photos, I didn't think Hispanic. I thought 'here we go again'...
  19. Looks like 95 today. 90 tomorrow with some rain. But starting Tuesday: highs in the low 80s and overnight lows in the 50s. Finally a hint of Fall. Yay.
  20. There's no racism here lol. No one here has mentioned race except you and the Leftys. The rest of us are discussing citizenship and place of birth. No one questioned the president's race. Only whether he meets the qualifications to hold the office.
  21. You're illustrating my point perfectly. Spewing hate and labels. No matter how many times you call me a racist it isn't true. I get it. You're frustrated because your candidate is weak. Because she's been proven to be untrustworthy time and again. Because the president you elected hasn't made good on his promises. He has divided instead of unifying. Calling me and anyone you perceive as being like me a racist isn't going to better your cause. It's a school yard tactic that just ain't flying with the grown ups.
  22. So you're accusing half the nation of practicing racism by using a secret code. Yet the only group I see regularly applying labels, calling names, and stereotyping is Democrats. I'd recommend coming up with some better arguments. This one isn't working. People aren't stupid.
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