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Everything posted by bluegrass

  1. Hey good luck with full timing. I have similar plans in the next few years.
  2. In the area of Family Dollar. You've been warned. Who's the genius that thought stopping traffic on Ridge Road during rush hour for driveway repair was a good move?
  3. it's the same thing that happened to our health care system. Way overpriced. And of course the liberal solution is government funding.
  4. I'll go on to say that I've seen a dumbing down of our higher education system caused by the availability of scholarship money. Students become little more than a conduit to fund monies into the school. I've taken a few courses under this system. Online. Ridiculously easy. But if you channel the required number of dollars and time into the system.. you get a degree. It devalues actual education.
  5. If every high school graduate went on to receive their free degree.. Their job prospects would be exactly the same as they are now. The value of that degree would be greatly diminished, and someone still has to flip the burgers. Everyone can't be in management. That leaves no one to do the actual work. Silly humans.
  6. Municipalities sell pouring licenses to establishments, collect tax off the alcohol sold, then collect large fines when the patrons are caught for DUI.. it's a booming business. I'm not going to participate. I pay too much to govt already!
  7. Good points. It would be easy to generate a lot of interest on here with a little more information.
  8. You should get the tub out first. Makes an excellent fire pit.
  9. He's having a hard time with that lol
  10. So the current administration is caught red handed, not only paying ransom to Iran, but lying about it. And the top story on CNN this morning is about what Trump said? http://www.cnn.com/2016/08/05/politics/donald-trump-iran-video-claim/index.html Gimme a break.
  11. The left has stolen freedom of speech for everyone in this nation who doesn't agree with their views. They dictate which groups can be slandered, and which are sacred cows. I've watched with amusement as the liberal media has unleashed their onslaught on Trump this week. Nothing of substance. Just twisted words and spin. And Americans are getting a really good view of how it works.
  12. unless there's a substantial amount of cash involved.
  13. I don't even like the Republican party. They're at least as corrupt as the Dems. But I like Trump because he's an outsider. Not owned by lobbyists or contributors. And not crippled by PC, so he can actually address problems, instead of pretending they don't exist.
  14. I know Hillary doesn't want to. She's running on a continue what we have campaign. She's running on a platform that says there's no need to make America great again. Her campaign says we're already there. So more of the same, but she should get the vote because she has a vagina? You can't fix problems if you pretend they don't exist. And we have problems. Big ones.
  15. in other words? That doesn't even resemble what I said. When you have no argument against truth do you just make chit up?
  16. Lots of doctored numbers coming from the DNC controlled media these days. And quantitative easing has cost us plenty in an attempt to keep things shored up. And yeah the current potus is basically running for a third term by surrogate.
  17. I forgot to mention the other glaring facet. This election is about nationalism vs globalism. Which coincidentally is the core issue that spawned the people vs the establishment match.
  18. I wouldn't expect you to understand that this isn't a battle between GOP and the Dems. This is a battle between outside and inside. The people vs the establishment. The silent majority vs the noisy minority. Trump is no more a Republican than I am. Most Americans get that we've all been getting screwed over by the two controlling parties forever. But those parties have made it impossible for other parties to have a chance. So Trump ran as a Republican. And won the nomination. That's why establishment GOP hates him. But he's the people's choice. The Democrats screwed their people
  19. Aren't Unions historically Democrat territory?
  20. My best guess is it will have something to do with Trump, Russians, and aliens. #distract #divide
  21. Really curious to see how anyone will be able to defend this.
  22. Everyone's political opinions matter in a democracy. It's just particularly damning when a president is condemned by his own brother. And notable that he supports the other party's candidate. There's no fear of third parties. I'm pretty much a Libertarian. But that party is torn apart by single issue voters who can't agree on a platform. And the single issues are minute. I think it's stupid that people can be jailed for possessing a plant. But we have much, much bigger issues to deal with before we get to that. Not to mention in our current corrupt system the major two have edged ou
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