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Everything posted by bluegrass

  1. Paulding needs to install a traffic light at Friendship Church Road and Ridge Road. It's a major outlet for SPHS and when school lets out it only takes one person trying to make a left turn to back traffic up a half mile. Same for after sports events. Cheaper alternatives might be to make it a three way stop, or specify no left turns. Something needs to be done there.
  2. I fully support legalization. It's a plant. People are in prison over a plant.
  3. Dolly Parton is as good as a person can be. Besides being talented in countless ways.
  4. Well said. Recognizing a woman's right to choice and funding that choice with tax dollars are very different issues. Just because the second amendment protects our right to keep and bear arms doesn't mean the government should buy everyone guns.
  5. Garner World Travel - Hiram (770) 222-4412
  6. No reason we shouldn't look to Forbes as a great prognosticator. I mean they totally predicted the primaries and then the election right? The MSM has been exposed as biased liars. Take what you read there with a few thousand grains of salt.
  7. Gee. American jobs. Imagine that. I'll be happy to pay more for MADE IN USA
  8. Completely irrelevant to the topic at hand. You should go start a thread about that.
  9. Hypothetical - The US was playing dirty pool in Libya. Ambassador Stevens had the goods and wasn't playing along. They withdrew support and allowed him to be eliminated. Not hypothetical - Then blamed his death on Islam intolerance here in the US. Not hypothetical - Shortly thereafter a code red alert was issued for consulates and embassies in the entire broad region, which by protocol generates wholesale shredding of documents and destruction of hard drives. Hmmmm. I guess we'll never know the truth about Benghazi. Except that Hillary lied about it. So yeah be very skeptical ab
  10. Disappeared around election day. Probably threw his computer through his TV screen .. Living off the grid now..
  11. I couldn't agree with you more on approaching things with skepticism. Lots of bad info out there on both sides.
  12. I think it makes some valid points. And some observations about human nature that are right. But I think that freedom trumps all. And freedom of speech is the keystone of that.
  13. I figure we are way more informed than we used to be. Anyone with common sense and a little effort can weed out the false stuff. And anyone with a desire for current events knowledge reads the crap from both the right and left to try and find the truth. That said, it's scary to think back thirty years ago (and before) all we got what was what the MSM decided to give us. And that only if you got home in time to catch the news or invested in a newspaper. Now ALL the info is available 24 hours a day and often in real time. And we can see not only the information but we can respond to it. And
  14. You mean like the anti Trump morons who are running around vandalizing everything by spray painting TRUMP ?? I'm seeing lots of media coverage of this. Lots of disgust at the deplorable Trump supporters. But not one arrest. Meaning they can't prove who did it. Why would Trump supporters harass minorities with graffiti?? They wouldn't. But anti Trump morons would.
  15. You just tried and convicted Trump of actions he hasn't even mentioned. Much less done. Go take your meds.
  16. Actually you've called us angry white and uneducated every day for months now. But today is a holiday? Thanks for the break lol
  17. Timed for the least viewership possible. I'm pretty sure the glass ceiling will be part of it. For my part I can honestly say gender of neither candidate was ever a factor. I'm pretty sure most others can say the same.
  18. No one is trying to suppress votes. You're stuck in the 60s. Evolve already.
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