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Everything posted by kcarlsonlpn

  1. Damn. That's horrible. That dog always brought a smile to my face when she'd be out...just chillin' in the middle of the church lot watching cars go by....a nice leisurely stroll across the street while cars stop for her....head on over to Grand's to maybe snag some grub and get petted. I always appreciated how that old, independent dog was just livin' the dream with not a care in the world (assuming her owners actually regularly gave her food and water which, from the sounds of it, they may not have). mrnn
  2. Will you, or anyone else, post a copy of the "informational" flyer, please? mrnn
  3. They're probably fighting for world peace, too, right? mrnn
  4. I don't want to turn this into a debate about Thatcher....perhaps I'm just ignorant to her contributions to society. I'm just saying that you can't criticize Obama for not going to Thatcher's funeral but going to Mandela's when Dubya is doing the same thing. mrnn
  5. Had a great time with my baby girl at the parade today. I'm glad no one approached me or I would have had a not-so-jolly comment or two for them. I agree, wholly inappropriate forum for that. mrnn
  6. I'm not a historian or anything even close to one....I do have an appreciation for history, though. Outside of being in power when the UK pulled out of tough economic times, I can't name one important thing Margaret Thatcher ever did. I understand that she's somewhat of a conservative icon due to the way she handled the economy, but I can't think of any major contribution she made to history. For what it's worth, I don't believe either Bush went to the Thatcher funeral either yet Dubya and his wife will be attending the Mandela funeral. mrnn
  7. car-mul....and I even catch hell from my kids for saying it that way. Same with pick-ons (pecans). mrnn
  8. I know how to look at the airport on a map . I'm just wondering when you say 3-4000 homes, I'm assuming you have some study or something you're pointing leaning on for that data. Looking at the map, it's maybe a few hundred. mrnn
  9. That seems like a rather large number. Is there a map available showing what area will be potentially impacted by the noise of commercial jets? mrnn
  10. This...along with a hundo for pocket change and a couple bottles of mouthwash. You've got resources, they have intimidation. You've got to counter from your strength and put an end to this asap. mrnn
  11. The conversation shouldn't have turned to racism...I'll give ya that. Holding a different perspective or opinion of an historical figure isn't inherently racist. With that said, when there's a thread opened about the death of the man who helped to broker a deal to end one of the most viciously racist, inhumane apartheid governments in modern history and the second post says he was worse than Hitler (based on "necklacing" which began while he was in prison) and the third post agrees but then goes a step further and badmouths another iconic black civil rights leader in MLK, well, it set a racia
  12. I googled this and I'm not finding anything stating that Mandela himself was ever guilty of doing this. ETA: After a little more digging, this was a practice his ex-wife advocated.....while he was in prison. mrnn
  13. What's funny to me is that many of the same people calling Mandela a "terrorist" for fighting against a disturbingly oppressive thing like apartheid, a practice that trampled upon basic human rights and punished people simply for being alive, are the same people who openly advocate violence if the US government came after their guns. The same people who insist that they should be able to own guns in order to defend against an oppressive American government are here disgracing the legacy of a dead man who practiced the very thing that they preach. Consistency would be nice. RIP Mad
  14. You and yours have my sympathy, DGITW. Sounds like she left knowing that she was loved which is the most any of us can wish for when our day comes. mrnn
  15. Which means absolutely nothing to coverage. This was trimming fat overpayments. Isn't that what you want? Government efficiency? mrnn
  16. They should be lobbying/striking for a cost-of-living adjusted payscale, not an across the board pay increase. $15/hr is NYC is still not enough to really live on but, in GA, that's a pretty decent wage for people with qualifications (as mentioned by others). Point being, expecting a franchisee in rural Mississippi to pay a fry cook $15/hr is truly an unreasonable expectation and will be why this entire "movement" fails. If they went about it right and instead targeted stores located in high-cost areas, I think they'd have some success. mrnn
  17. Yes, he has a hell of an advocate in his mother.... The point you make about the medication is what makes this lawsuit all the more frustrating....it's not even about the transplant at this point and, apparently, never was (or shouldn't have been). Perhaps they're preparing for what they feel is the inevitability of a required transplant? How do you feel about involving the courts in this? mrnn
  18. I find it hard to believe as well but the stats say what they say. Could it be skewed because of population growth? Could our perception be different than reality because of modern-day media? It reminds me of these advanced stats you have in sports these days...stats that tell you that the player your eyes and emotions as a fan tell you is extremely productive is actually unproductive while the guy you can't stand is the better player. Some more golf sounds good, for sure....I'll start saving for the small fortune required to buy all the golf balls I'll donate to the woods.
  19. Surprisingly, violent crime has been on a downward trend. There are a million and one variables that could cause this, obviously, but the numbers say we're doing better. mrnn
  20. Wow. Just reading that was a whirlwind of emotions...I can't imagine living it in real-time. Thank you for sharing...talk about perspective. mrnn
  21. The emotional side of me believes that need should dictate eligibility above all else. Seeing the pictures of Maverick, a smiling little baby boy who looks to be happy and healthy, well, I'd have a hell of a time standing idly by as a doctor and watching him slowly die when I know that there could be a heart out there to save him. The rational side of me believes that, without modern medicine, the child would die naturally and that something as scarce as a donated heart should be awarded to a child with the best odds of living a long, healthy life. For instance, adults with Downs Syndrom
  22. Read an interesting article this morning that seems to have spurred quite a bit of debate on CNN.com. Here is the article detailing the struggles a couple had with several hospitals refusing to put their infant on a heart transplant waiting list. The child suffers from a rare genetic disorder that typically leads to moderate to severe physical and mental developmental delays. Fortunately, the child was eventually moved to a different hospital and has been stabilized thanks to some changes in medication but, disgusted by the struggles they've endured with multiple other hospitals, the p
  23. There's a Pcommer who doesn't come around much these days but I'm friends with him on FB....he had a very similar thing happen last week....lives out in the country, knock on the door at 0300, wasn't expecting anyone, stayed inside and called the police....shockingly, no one ended up dead. Amazing what happens when one doesn't seek out trouble by taking a loaded weapon out to "investigate". mrnn
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