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Everything posted by kcarlsonlpn

  1. They've had a horse shoe stuck up their collective ass throughout the end of this season. Hopefully it fell out before kickoff tonight. mrnn
  2. I always found it interesting (to an extent, frustrating) that Libertarians would never find a way to have an impact on government because the system is rigged to just support two parties. The thought that they'd literally take over one of the two parties never even crossed my mind. Well done, libertarians...well done. mrnn
  3. And the kid whose single mother can't afford anything but hand-me-downs from Goodwill? I'm sure her kids are fully prepared for sub-zero weather as well. I wonder how many heavy coats/parkas, scarves, heavy gloves/boots, or winter hats you would find at the Goodwill in Hiram? Considering we're in the deep South, my guess is very few, if any. The inability to of some to comprehend that not everyone's reality is the same as the one they experience daily is really kind of disturbing. Living with blinders on must really suck. mrnn
  4. Says the guy who was born and raised in GA. I was up home in Chicago last week...when we left Fri morning it was -10 outside...don't know what the wind chill was. Today at my sister's house up there, the high is supposed to be -13. I can recall a wonderful winter morning in 1993 driving to school when the wind chill up there was -70, the coldest weather I've ever been out in. When it comes to discussing cold weather, you're a GA boy...you know nothing about being hard or soft in cold weather. You've never dealt with truly cold weather. 6 degrees with a wind chill below zero for a region
  5. So I take it this means they'll likely be out on Tuesday, too? mrnn
  6. When you're buying from the black market or, in my case....over at a buddy's house and he tells you he has some $125/quarter dank bud for you try, which, despite the fact you haven't smoked in 10 years, you think must be great and so you pack the bowl full, fill the bong with a thick white smoke like you did "back in the day", pull the carb, inhale, nearly cough yourself into a seizure and soon find yourself balled up in a blanket shaking from a delightful mix of paranoia and anxiety.....you really have no idea what strain/type of weed you're smoking. If it were legalized in GA, I would atlea
  7. We just "earned" the right to buy a beer on a Sunday....weed ain't happenin' anytime soon. mrnn
  8. Ha! I don't think we have to worry about that. Just pointing out that airports don't necessarily create real estate "dead zones" nor is it a legitimate complaint to point to a couple subdivisions 4 miles from our airport and pretend that that's going to stop the FAA from approving commercial service. mrnn
  9. And for those of you who think the FAA will not allow this to proceed based on environmental issues (aka quality of life for homeowners), take a look at this picture of the area around Midway Airport in Chicago.....those little specks, Tundra, are houses. mrnn
  10. I don't know how to read that stuff . With that said, given your profession, I trust you know what you're talking about. When I was in the USAF stationed down at Robins, our dorms were less about a mile from one end of a runway. The noise wasn't bad at all...and that was military aircraft. mrnn
  11. I went to Google Maps, zoomed out to the range where 1in=1mi and drew a circle. 7in diameter covers 3.5 miles in each direction from the middle of the runway. There aren't anywhere close to 600 homes in this circle. mrnn
  12. Even before this settlement today, didn't we have to wait for FAA approval for commercial flights? I don't recall that designation ever being given to the airport. ETA: According to Google Maps, there are only two subdivisions within two miles of the airport...one to the northwest and one to the east. mrnn
  13. So you want to be bought out? There's an airport there...that's not changing. Again, I don't see the good news in this. I've got to think that the county is now on the hook for these assessments and applications. Say they cost $1M...do you really think the BOC is going to balk at spending another million on something they've worked so hard to get? Ultimately this appears to be nothing more than a delay. And perhaps Whitey is right, maybe the delay will last long enough that some of the commissioners will be voted out of office over this and you'll get a BOC that is friendlier to your
  14. And furthermore, considering this was a settlement and not a judgement, what makes you think this will deter the BOC at all? If this was a deterrent, they would have waited for adjudication. mrnn
  15. Who is paying for this environmental study and, possibly, this year-long EPA Impact Statement? mrnn
  16. So essentially this is going to cost us even more money now? And this is good news? mrnn
  17. So now it's not the progress you're against but rather some conspiracy? Please make up your mind what it is that bothers you and, if it's going to be the conspiracy, please provide some evidence of your suspicions. mrnn
  18. Can anyone recommend a reasonably priced shuttle/car to take someone to the airport from Dallas? What kind of prices we looking at? Thanks mrnn
  19. And in the nearly 40 years you've been here, you've watched Paulding turn into a respectable school system, county parks and recreation programs become established, sewer and county water deployed in many areas of the county, an explosion of charities and community events, road improvements (or the making of actual paved roads), convenience by way of local retail and restaurants, and we have a state-of-the-art hospital about to open providing the county with top-notch health care. There's plenty more but you get the idea. When someone like yourself tries to paint any and all progress in a ne
  20. Absolutely! Ginsberg, too. You could pick anyone from that crew and it'd be a fantastic dinner but Kerouac comes across as the most..eh..accessible(?). Definitely before the alcohol got to him... mrnn
  21. This is such a tough question and great topic. I would love to have dinner with just about everyone mentioned so far, so I'll try to mention a few new names. I'm also looking at these as separate dinners. Mark Twain -- He just seems like he was such a character...incredibly talented and extremely witty. I'm embarrassed to say I would have completely overlooked him if not for TP's list. John Maynard Keynes -- The father of Keynesian economic theory. I would love to be able to sit down and get his take on where we've been, where we are, and where we're headed economically. Ern
  22. I laughed. I mean it doesn't even make any sense but yet is so succulently offensive for no apparent reason, I couldn't hold back the chuckle. It's akin to laughing at the Darwin Awards. mrnn
  23. Anyway, Kingston is proof positive that politicians will say anything and everything they feel that their audience wants to hear, no matter how ridiculous it is nor how little they may actually believe in what they're saying. I refuse to believe that Jack Kingston really thinks this is a good idea...I do believe that Jack Kingston wants very badly to become GA's senator next year. Votes are votes....unfortunately politicians still haven't figured out that no matter how badly their audience of 100 at an appearance may want to hear ridiculous ideas, there is near instant-media nowadays that wi
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