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Posts posted by jennygirl

  1. Whenever any of mine suffers from tummy upset I fast them for 24 hours (water/pedialyte only). After 24 hours I give them 4 small meals of browned and rinsed lean ground beef w/white rice. Use a bit of the rice water in the mixture. Sometimes the tummy just needs a rest from food especially if they have consumed something that has irritated the digestive tract. Good Luck and I hope your pup feels better soon. :)

    This is what my vet said to do also, and eggs are good with the rice too.

  2. RIP Sadie, I am deeply sorry for your loss. We just lost our cat that we had for 13yrs, she was about 18 yrs old. She died in my arms last Wednesday. As we come to love these companions they become a member of the family. Comforting us in times of need or dispare. My only saving grace is to know that she is with my Grandfather, mother and cousin and her sister Kaylee our beloved lab/border collie mix. I am comforted knowing they are with GOD and all his goodness. Again I am sorry for your loss. Jennifer

  3. Is anyone selling a product that will mutate genes?


    If I decided to have another child and it happened to be a girl, I wouldn't want to pass down my poorly shaped fat cells and connective tissue to her.


    Thanks! :pardon:



    I am sure you have good genes. We all need a little help once in a while. I got the fat gene from my father. My mother had 8 kids and still had a banging figure. I have none and hide in my house:). Pm me I have some information that would be helpful. Thanks

  4. So you changed your sand yourselves? It has been 3 to four years now, so I just go by the years? No signs to watch for?

    Yes you can, we purchased pool sand at lowe's and is very inexpensive. As far as how my husband did that and we change it every other season. That may be too often, but that is what we do.

  5. You are having lucid dreams. I very vividly recall of the events in the dream. Some of the time mine are trickered by emotional or mental stress. You unconious mind tries work on what the consious mind can not handle kind of like a problem resolution. That is what I have read. I do have some dreams that have actually happen latter in life.

  6. I will agree that alot of holidays have become "commercial" Just another way to make money. Some however are worthy of a day off.


    Naaaa not really stressed, I had a long nap after the beach today



    I am jealous. I love the way the sand feels between my toes. I use to live in Florida and would go the Peir at night and just listen the the ocean and walk in the sand. I really miss that. That is the only part of Florida I miss.

  7. yeah, well some people do like to take 1 of the 365 days to honor vets. sorry it doesnt work well for you though



    very good day :D wished I could goto sleep though



    Are you stressed out too? I lay down and can not quit thinking. God knows where there is smoke there is fire and I don't have enough brain cells left to burn

  8. Ok, but if it shows that you requested it, is that still considered good or bad by the agencies?




    I'm keeping the AMEX card at full limit (though it's not a huge limit) and will use that as my "day to day" card and pay it off in full from now on at the end of each month. Also, I belong to Costco's credit monitoring service. Via our corporate accont it's only $7.95 a month and monitors all 3 agencies and alerts you to all activity via email the second it happens. It also gives you unlimited access to your reports, scores, etc. - good deal.



    It is not considered bad, it would only be considered bad if the credit card company did that.

  9. Well, here's what I heard about it from one source, but I always like to hear different angles...


    Let's say you have 3 major credit cards (Visa,AMEX, etc) and then 3 minor credit accounts (Target/Dell, etc). One thing I heard was to pay off the minor ones and then immediately call them and ask them to LOWER your credit limit. If you had a $2000 limit, ask them to lower it to $500. Supposedly (not confirmed), if you have too much available credit, it can hurt your score, so by paying off and lowering the minor ones, it helps your score (?). As far as the major ones go, I have heard to pay them off and then forget they exist rather than close them or lower amounts - after one year (usually) of inactivity, the lender will put them on "hold" but not officially close them, so it won't hurt your score. Again - (?) because these are just things I've heard over the years.



    Ideally, you want to try to not have more than 50 % of credit used. Also, you can lower the limits on your cards and it will reflect on your report that it was requested by the consumer. On your Amex do you have a revolving account? I would keep at least one of the Major credit cards without reducing your limit. You also want to look at what your debt to income ratio is trying to keep it in the 30-35 % range this helps. Also make sure that you don't have late pays this affects your score hard. I would recomend that you pull your credit report at least once per year and evaluate it to be sure the information is accurate. In the state of Georgia by law you have the option of requesting one credit report per year at no charge. You can also request one if you are denied credit or suspect fraud or identity theft.

  10. Hmmm. Interesting. I have a bunch of credit cards that we paid off when we did our refi on our house. I was going to close them because I thought that having too many revolving credit accounts brought your score down.



    It does. You also want to be careful of applying for credit, it stays on your credit report for 2 years. Each pull can bring down your score also.

  11. Does anyone in here know a good amount about credit and credit scores?


    My question:


    You hear Clark Howard and those like him say to NEVER actually close a credit card account, because for whatever reason that actually had a slight negative impact on your overall credit score at the agencies. Does anyone know if this only applies to major credit cards like Visa, Mastercard/AMEX, etc., or does it apply to ANY credit account? As in, if I pay off my Target and Dell account and want to call them and tell them to close it, does that impact my credit score the same as closing major cards?


    I'm in the process of paying off as much of my credit as possible. I want to get rid of the smaller stuff altogether but not at the expense of losing points on the score, which is why I ask.



    You want the keep the ones you have had the longest. I would only close those cards that you are sure that you are never going to use again. It can be an issue if you have a lot of open credit cards with no balance especially when you are going for a loan. They do look at it because it can be used and could put you over the debt to income ratio and then because of that they can charge you a higher rate, I have seen that happen before.

  12. I guess people assume I haven't done this, but I have and have the scratches to prove it. Thanks for your suggestion but the attempts I made only made Lindsay more determined to get the cat from me.


    There are dogs who will never be able to be together with a cat. I have accepted this and I wish Lindsay a good home without cats. She's not a bad dog, but she might be a hunting dog which makes them think they are prey. As in something to eat or kill.


    I applogize, I understand what you are saying and that you have done everything you can. I would not judge someone who so clearly is very passionate about animals. I am sorry if I offended you that was not my intention. There were a couple of other people posting with same type of issues. I thought it might help them.

  13. I agree sometimes no matter how we try to help all of them get along, it does not always work out the way we plan. I have 3 dogs and 3 cats. My oldest cat is almost 22 yrs old. All of mine were rescue. I have two large dogs, one that is just a year old and one that is 10 months. We were have some issues as well ( and sometimes still do) with the chasing. Something that has helped is one of us will hold the cat so the dog can sniff while the other pets the dog and keeps them from getting to excited. We pet the dog and use the word nice, we have trained the dogs with the word nice with treats so that they understand to be gentle. This has been very helpful with our adjustment and additions to the family. I will tell you that my 22 yr old cat is a fiesty and will bite the youngest on the snout if you makes him mad. It is the funniest thing you will ever see, my youngest is a Belgin Malinque and he yipes and cries when the cat bites or swats at his snout. I hope this helps.

  14. I need to go up there and get a friend for Abby.


    I want a smaller dog (not tiny and wussy though) that will be good for a toddler to chase and play with.....and can easily be an inside dog.


    What breed/mix do you suggest?


    Lab or Border Collie they are good with Kids and have a lot of energy

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