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Posts posted by jennygirl

  1. As some are aware, I was recently divorced. The legal BS dragged out over three years. When I attended my hearing, my attorney (a long-time local attorney, NOT MASON ROUNTREE) was so disorganized he didn't bring my latest financial information (I sent it to his office, he just didn't bring it) or any of the pertinent documents. He had me write questions for him to ask in court and didn't even ask all of the questions. He let my ex lie about just about everything and didn't call him out or present the evidence showing he was lying (I had copies of all of it with me as he didn't come to court with any of it). I found out from my ex today that there was a hearing held without me yesterday. My attorney has not returned my calls in over two months (he obviously has more on his case load than he can handle) and I was NEVER NOTIFIED of this hearing. According to my ex, the judge was pissed.


    What can I do about this? Am I just screwed? I can't believe my attorney is so horrible and that I will have to pay the price. All suggestions appreciated.

    I would turn him in the Georgia State Bar Association

  2. I am looking for some fresh faces to do before and afters on. This will be with Mary Kay products and there is no charge to you. Please email me if you are interested and put your telephone and best time to call.

  3. I know that Kroger does hire at 15. However I have not heard of having a work permit unless they are working more hours than normally allowed by the state. You can probably got the Departmant of Labor to see what the laws are for the state of Georgia. I used manage in Florida and there were very strick laws about what days and the amount of hours per day and per week. I hope this helps.

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