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Posts posted by jennygirl

  1. I went there and told them I was allergic to penicillian. They prescibed omicef which has some pen in it. I called they said it was not enough to cause a problem. Took the medicine and broke out in a rash all over my face and chest. I will never go there again. I called to let them know and they were like no problem.

  2. Also try bartenders keep. You can find it in cleaning isle. Sprinkile a little in the bottom of your pan and use a paper towel, however in your case you might want to use a scrubby. This stuff is fab and it is made for stainless steel

  3. Funny how that works isn't it? When my hubby passed, I felt like a hermit. Over 600 people at his viewing and funeral, I think I've seen 5, and their MY immediate family! No one calls or writes. I can understand they don't know what to say, or they are giving me space, but in my case its been 8 years!


    I moved on and made new friends, and you really do find out who your true friends are in times like these.


    So sorry for your loss.


    I feel for you. I am sorry for your loss.


  4. On the one hand, I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your beloved pet. Other the other hand, I am horried to hear that cats live so long....




    The owner of "Grumpy Gretchen" the cat from hell.



    Thanks, You made me laugh. We think he stayed around so long because he liked to agrue with my husband and steal his food when he walked away. Many a christmas turkeys lost their leg to him. He would help himself while it was thawing in the sink. We finally just gave up and cut the leg off every year there after. When someone would ask why we had a one legged turkery, We have to tell them Tounces took his leg first. That's what he gets for being the old man in our house.


    So sorry your Tounces died. :(

    Thank you. I saw you at CP Kings tonight and boy can you sing!


    So sorry! I've only had my kitty for a year and I could not imagine him not being here. He's def my boyfriend. Thinking of yall!



    For a very long time he was the only man in my life. I knew when Tounces fell in love with my husband that one was a keeper. If the cat doesn't like you then you're out the door. :lol:

  5. I would not give up on Fred either, I know I have two large dogs and one of them gets very funny about people he knows even walking up to our fence. He is very protective. Maybe this is what is going on with Fred. I think the fact that he turned away when he snapped is just a warning that he was uncomfortable. I hope you find something that works for you. Good Luck,

  6. Snik's dad went into cardiac arrest earlier today at their house. They lost him once in the ambulance, but were able to revive him. She says he's not doing too well and they aren't sure if he's going to pull through.



    Please send happy thoughts, good vibes, and/or prayers her way if you get a chance. She's had a really awful week already.



    I'm headed out in a little while to hang out with her at the hospital.





    She and her family are in our prayers.

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