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Posts posted by jennygirl

  1. Hey Med I am editting this because he said it could be your starter. He said tap on the starter and then try to start the car if it starts after you tap on it then that is what it is. Send me a pm my husband is a mechanic and he would be happy to help you!

  2. I would as someone who did do hiring. I would look at what your experience was, how long you have been at your previous jobs and what you bring to the table. However like one the previous posts said that FMLA would not cover you for a year prior to starting a new job also you most likely would not accrued and sick or vacations time, plus most jobs offer short term dissablity so you would a least be receiving some kind of paycheck while you were out. Depending on the company and how long you worked there would depend on the percentage you receive for dissablity. Please make sure you take all of that into consideration when you decide. Just food for thought!

  3. Can you were athletic shoes to work there? If so they are great. I wear New Balance. I have a lot of touble with my feet. The foot doctor recommend those to me.

  4. My husband got me a new fur baby since I lost two of my older cats recently. We rescued her from the pound. The vet said she about 5 weeks old. She is a spit fire. She weighs all of 18 ounces and she has been picking on my 75 pound German Shepard. He is scared to death of her. She is the greatest gift and I know that God sent her to me, she fills me with so much joy. Any way I wanted to share my joy with all of you. Her name is Peanut.

  5. The kind of money that is paid to those health care workers this should not have happened!!! And again there are those who do their job and get no thanks. I have seen it first hand when my mother had her stroke, she was in a nursing home for a while because she needed 24/7 care. There are some who care and others who don't . Those that don't need to go to make room for all those who will. Thanks to all those who do and care for the patients the right way.

  6. I had a lab chew until she was about 5 years old. I was about to kill her and the vet suggested cheyane pepper and olive oil paste she got a bite of that and she never chew anything else until she passed last year. She did drink a lot of water for a few days.

  7. I had just turned twenty and had moved in with my boyfriend at the time and he bought me a tool box full of tools. I almost died when I opened it. I thought I might being something a little more romantic.

  8. I do agree actions can speak louder than words, however sometimes saying nothing at all does speak for itself. If there is a negative conversation going on I don't say anything and walk away disapproving. A great thing happened with this people stopped saying negative comments about others around me because I did not participate. This is what I mean about staying silent for a good purpose. I learned at a very early age the words can hurt people. So, I am very careful about what I say or I say nothing. Once you say it you can not take it back and I make it my purpose to not hurt others. However with that being said I have learned to say no and offer suggestions.

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