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Posts posted by jennygirl

  1. This is a little different take and I am a yankee :p Get a good cut of pork tenderloin, a can of cream of golden mushroom soup and about 1/2 can of milk. Put on high for about 2 hours then cook until it falls apart. I like to put some extra fresh mushrooms and onions in for a little extra flavor and sea salt and white pepper. We make rice and use the juices to put over rice. It comes out a little thinner than gravy, but is very tasty. This also keeps the pork from becoming dry. P.S. We trim the fat off before to avoid having to skim of the roast.

  2. I was born in Muscatine Iowa, lived in Humbult, Des Moines IA, Geneseo IL till I was 16, moved to Wellington Florida grad from Forest Hill High School, then onto Tallahassee, West Palm, Gainesville, Orlando, Royal Palm Beach, then to Marietta now Paulding for the last 7 years. I love it here!!!

  3. The wall earsers that you use to clean the walls works great on front of you fridge it cleans off all the residue and leaves it sparkling. Same thing with your tub and sink with no chemicals or scrubbing. This works fab and you can use the generic and it works just as good.

  4. Interesting...I currently have a plastic one, but it's become grooved, and I'm concerned about sanitation in the grooves. I scrub, sterilize in the DW (VERY hot water), et. al, but since I mostly cut chicken and vegetables on it, I do worry about cross contamination.



    I worked at Subway for years and we had the plastic ones. Try putting bleach on it to soak with really hot water. My other suggestion is to get two cutting boards one for veggies and fruit and one for meats. I usually run my in the dishwasher on heavy duty with really hot water. About 1 to 2 times a month soak them in the bleach water and run them in your dishwasher to clean the bleach off.

  5. I have adopted two pets from there in the last year and I have to say it is one the cleanest shelters I have ever been too. I got a new furbaby kitten and her name is Peanut. She is wonderful. The dog I adopted last year is on the Markee on Paulding.Com he is the puppy with the yellow collar in the cage with brown eyes. You should see him now he is fat and happy.

  6. Have you ruled out any medical problems like urinary tract infections?? Do you clean the litter box EVERY day?? How long has the problem been going on? I can't take it, but please don't get rid of a solid black cat (either at the shelter or someone you don't know) at this time of year, with Halloween right around the corner!!




    Great minds think allike, how many fur babies do you have? I have 5 can you tell. :lol:

  7. Canned pumpkin..WOW learn something new everyday. How much do I give her?


    A table spoon. Some cats love it and some hate it. I had two that hated it and one that loved it. You can give it to them a couple of times a week.

  8. Has he always done this or is it something he just started doing? I had a male cat a little older than he was and he started doing this and acting funny. It turns out that he had crystals in his blatter and it was blocking his track so this made his pen&s swell and he had trouble urinating. It was very uncomfortable so alot of the time they will stop using the box and go outside of it because they associate it with the pain. I almost found out to late because he kept getting out side and I did not realize that he was as sick as he was. Needless to say he was a very sick kitty. We were able to help him and changed his food to a presciption diet and that cleared right up. I would take him the vet to be sure that it is not a medical problem. Fixed males have more of a problem than females. I did have a cat that did have a behavior problem and the vet gave us some great suggestions that helped out alot but did not eliminate it all together however it was much more manageable. Maybe 5-7 times a year once we started changing things around. I hope this helps. P.S. Never had problems before or after his condition was taken care of. I had him almost 23 years, he just passed away about 2 months ago. He was a tuxedo named Tounces. I really miss him. Hope this helps. Maybe you can save the kitty and your daughters heart.

  9. I had a cat that did this and he had hyperthiroid issues once I started giving him his meds it stopped within a couple of days. He lived to be almost 23 years old. Also, canned pumpkin can help with upset stomach and hair balls. Vet told me this and it does work. Good luck

  10. You call Capitol one and get a payoff amount. Have the person purchasing the vech give you a cashiers check to capitol one and the difference to you. You usually have to wait about 10-20 days for the check to clear and capitol one to release the title. Then it will be sent out. Most of the reason for the wait is to be sure the cashiers check is valid. I would not take cash if it is a large amount because of safety reasons. I would not take a personal check either. I worked in banking for years and this should not pose to be a big deal. Depending on the amount that is owed they may get a loan from the bank and again same thing would happen. They would issue a cashiers check to capital one and to you for the difference, depending on the value of the vech. As a cust serv rep in banking what I would suggest is go to you personal banker and ask for help. A good banker will be more than will to help you. Fraud is rampent so be careful. Asking questions is always good. Good luck. Are you buying another car if so you will need help with that too.

  11. I think the need to protect the young grandchild should more than out weight the need to protect her grown daughter. I feel like the grandmother knew about her daughters illness long before now or why would she have called fowl in all of this. Now she is sticking with her daughter, my guess is that she is hoping that she is wrong. However I have too agree with you there will not be a good ending to this. I have felt this since day one.

  12. I would say my husband, however if you read my earlier post you would know I was trying to pay someone to take him! :D


    Mark Walbergh- he has that sexy/smart thing going

    John Travolta - he still looks good in tight pants!

    Michael (my husband) he is still very sexy to me. And really nice legs!!!!!!

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