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Posts posted by jennygirl

  1. Speaking from experience, if an interviewer asks an inappropriate question during the interview, they won't treat you right if you go to work there. Best not to work for those companies anyway.


    I should have known when the person interviewing me asked if I was married (I wasn't), had a steady boyfriend (I didn't) or if I planned to have kids (I didn't) that they would not be a good person to work for. Sure enough, he was a jerk! Worked there seven weeks, two of which was my notice. Never hated a job so much in my entire life.


    Good thinking. I have done plenty of interviewing and know what should not be asked. It's funny even within a company I was currently working for trying to find a position closer to home they asked if I was married, did I have children , where do I live and do I have any medical problems that would cause me to miss days? I called the HR person that set up the interview and let her know about these questions and she then would not let other people from within her group in that area to hire me even when I was the canidate that they wanted until this person left her job 1 year later, it was her word againist mine. She was with the company 25 yrs I was with 7 yrs

  2. That sounds like inappropriate interview questioning. <_<



    You are right. I wanted to thank everyone for their support and sharing what it going on with their job searchs. I makes me feel a little better knowing it is not just me. I know time are hard for everyone. Again thanks everyone.

  3. Have you ever been out just minding you own business, tracking some yard sale signs when bang! The trail stops colder than Artic dirt! <_< All because some lazy yahoo didn't take the time to take down all the stupid signs they put up. Yea they got the ones in their yard and MAYBE the one at the subdv entrance. But all the others are out there just waiting to snag some poor bargain hunter like myself. AAAGGGHHH!! That is a peeve of mine, it is not only frustrating but a code violation as well. That is the hate part, now it is time for the Love. Anyway, you guys remember the neighbor that likes to call the M.O. on me and the other neighbor about the grass clippings right. Anyhow, she is one of those yard sale sign people! Oh yeah, little miss don't get you grass clippings in my yard had a yard sale Sat. and left those stupid signs everwhere to rot and become roadside garbage for the rest of us. So I did the neighborly thing and went around and collected all those signs for her. We wouldn't want her to get in trouble with the M.O. now would we? ;) :lol: I think I will be returning her signs to her yard within the next couple of hours. I hope she really appriciates this neighborly act when she gets up in the morning. ;) :lol: :lol:



    I love it.

  4. I have been looking for work and all I keep hearing is you are not a right fit. Then I see that they hire some one with little or no experience. I am not old however I am over weight any one else having to to deal with this. I feel like people think because I am FAT that mean I am lazy. That is the furtherest thing from the truth.

  5. That's good to hear. You are the only one who has answered that question at all, and atleast you got yours. I don't know what the problem was with mine then.



    I can call the bank, but as far as calling the IRS, I have tried to contact them in many different ways, and there is no calling and speaking to anyone concerning this. They won't let us speak to an individual at all.


    If you will pm me I will try to help you.

  6. Here is one thing I have learned, be patient and watch. I have not always gotten to see the outcome, however recently I had a so called friend lie to a lot of people about a lot of things. Now she is back peddling so fast she was not able to keep up with one thing to the next. I have watched her go from "stealing the show" to trying to put the pieces back together. I truely believe what comes around goes around.

  7. I use to work in banking and most likely you check has been placed in a cash items pending account or has been sent back. When the bank merges they still should be able to accept the old Routing and Transit number for accounts for awhile. I would call IRS to make sure it had not been returned because of an "incorrect acount and RT numbers?" If not then call your banks toll free number and ask for them to research the item and see if sitting one of these types of accounts if the IRS has not had the item returned to them. I hope this helps. Jennifer

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