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Posts posted by jennygirl

  1. I take plain flour and add my own seasonings. I use Morton's seasoning mix with no msg. This helps with flavor. You can also use celery salt, pepper, garlic powder, onion powder and anything else that you might like.


    I add this to the flour and mix with water.

  2. For gravy take seasoned flour about 3/4 cup and mix with water, mix until there are no lumps. Then take a little of the cooking oil left after cooking the country fried steak and place in frying pan, add the mix and add milk. Put on med heat and use a wisk and keep stirring. Add milk as needed for the right consistancy. ENJOY

  3. :p


    Yes, they now have noodles that you do not have to bake. They work great, just make sure you cover it with foil, otherwise they don't cook right and you have hard nooldes. Learned that one the hard way. Had company over for dinner and we could not eat it. Now it comes out great every time.

  4. I am getting ready to make my Caribou Coffee, I love a fresh cup every morning, sweet and blonde just like me :D


    I don't know about the sweet part I have been a little @#%#$ lately. Can I trade my husband for another cup of coffee?? Any takers?

  5. I'll have to try it on my daughter .. she can't seem to stop coughing :(



    Try some warm tea with honey and lemon, I learned that from a singing coach. The honey helps with the ticlke in the throat. I have sinus issues and asthma and this helps alot.

  6. Thanks everyone this is great advice. I was laid off last year and have been trying to grow my business since. I do try to treat everyone as an individual and with respect. Keep it comming. I am going give your ideas a try. Somethings I have been doing and some I have not tried.


    I did not forget the IRS I know better than that silly!!!!

  7. Hi everyone, I could really use some advice. I got to meet some of you last Saturday and had a great time. I see that most of you have your own businesses or are working from home. I am trying to grow mine in this local area and I have done serveral trade shows. I really don't know a lot of people in this area that is why I joined Paulding.Com. LOVE YOU GUYS!!!! What did you do to grow your business? I really have had a hard time finding a 9-5 job as most of you know everyone is having a hard time with this. So I am really trying to make this work. I would appreciate any advice. Thanks Jennygirl :D

  8. Wings are a good finger food, cheese, veggie and fruit trays are good. We planned our own wedding those are some of the things we did for apps. We asked each of our closest family members to make a tray and then purchased the wings in bulk from a sports bar. They discounted it because if was for a wedding. Please feel free to pm me for more ideas. I had a blast planning my own wedding. Also, is someone doing the make up for the bride>? Let me know I have a great idea for that also. Jennifer

  9. Joyce and I had a really great time. I have not laughed that hard in a long time. You guys are so funny and fun to be around I can not wait until next time. Every did a good job singing. Jenifer



    I need some newer material anyone got any suggestions?

  10. Did I read something last night about some pcom's meeting to have some fun, tonight> If so I want to join all of you. If anyone knows about this please send me a pm. Thanks

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